The Scorched Coup Military Conflict in Varitinera | World Anvil
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The Scorched Coup

The Conflict


Emperor begins to act irrational. Insisting that the war continue dispite the obvious victory it's nation already achieved. A handful of high ranking military officers, alarmed by its actions, take it upon themselves to make a deal with the remaining Avisloe to stop Emperor.

The Engagement

The officers convince Emperor to hold a private meeting to discuss and prepare for the next round of battles. While it is going over the maps they are "attacked" by the avisloe. Taking advantage of the confusion, the officers proceeded to join in the attack eventually impaling Emperor through the chest. Lapsing into a fit of madness over the entire incident it decides that the best course of action is to burn everything, the traitors and the possible enemies hidden in the forest. Emperor is consumed by such a rage that it's said that it placed a curse on everything the flames touched.


Emperor makes its way back to the Citadel where it dies of its wounds after Steward neglects to give it aid. All ongoing military action is abruptly halted due to the lack of leadership.


Steward acts in Emperor's place pretending as if it was simply not well and that the stand in is only temporary. This was never a sustainable notion, eventually old enemies take note of Emperor's absence and attack Vincere forcing a still young King to take its position as leader early.

Historical Significance


Emperor's actions in the forest created the Cursed Ashes there has never been any success in making the land there usable again.
Conflict Result
Emperor is removed from power


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