Demigod Plane Geographic Location in Valtena | World Anvil

Demigod Plane

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Welcome to your new realm, young demigod. This plane is shared among the demigods, and this is your piece of it. It takes the form that you desire. Don't worry about taking up too much space. The plane expands as needed, and you will never feel confined here. You won't see the other demigods unless you seek them out, but I assure you, they are there. Relax, enjoy, and when you're ready, I'll reveal the rest to you.
— Huirtal, Fate of the World

Entering the Realm

Like all the different planes of existence, entering the demigod plane requires finding the right cavernous portal. More importantly, each demigod creates their own portals, and the different realms are unlikely to connect. These portals are scattered far and wide, and most realms only have one or two entrances.  

Traversal Between Realms

The various realms aren't connected to one another making travel from one to another nearly impossible. Each one is like an island with a stretch of void between them. Only Void Beetles are able to move between the realms, but they spend most of their time living in The Void. They periodically come to the realms to feed. During this time, they can be harnessed and used as transportation to cross between the realms.  

Void Nexus

No one knows exactly where the Void Nexus is. The only certainty is that it's a point on the Demigod Plane from where all realms can be reached. It's a patch of emptiness, and all demigods are first introduced to the plane through the Void Nexus. However, none have ever returned there.  

The Demigod Realms

Plane of Existence

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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