Xanthilia Character in Vallonde | World Anvil


Xanthilia is a goddess of Dichotism. She embodies the domains of nature, harmony, and growth. Xanthilia is believed to be the sun itself, and is referred in some sects of the Dichotist religion as the Mother Sun. The title of Mother Sun is derived from an ancient druidic religion that Ansul had once studied. In his book, The Dichotomy, he wrote that he believed that ancient druidic religion to be founded upon a kernel of truth, and incorporated much of its terminology into his descriptions and doctrine regarding Xanthilia. She is called the Mother Sun, and Ansul also refers to her as the Source occasionally, describing that her radiant energy is the source of natural life. She nurtures the plants, which in turn nurture and feed the animals. The survival of all natural living things depends upon her, and as such she is the source of all natural life. In art she is most commonly depicted as the sun, though there exist depictions of her as a slender woman, with skin made of oaken wood, and hair of vines from which a myriad of flowers sprout.