Snow Elf Species in Vallonde | World Anvil

Snow Elf

In the 2nd Epoch, Elven society was at the height of their power, having the most powerful sorcerers, and largest army of Dragonriders. A large island in the northwestern reach of the world called the Shivering Crag was discovered to contain a high concentration of Esperite. Elves seeking to lift their lineage into nobility flocked to the island, hoping to make their riches off of the Esperite. These Elves made their home upon this frigid, icy, storm-ridden island, withstanding the inherent dangers of Esperite mining in addition to the adverse weather. These Elves adapted through generations, finding a unity in their shared hardships, and the shared goal of propelling their family from nothing to nobility. The Esperite ran out within 300 years, yet these Elves decided to stay, too proud to leave the lands that they and their forebears had suffered and bled upon. These Elves eventually adapted physiologically, their skin hues becoming pale and faintly pink, as though their skin were perpetually flushed, or blushing. Their hair colors remained in the lighter hues of white, blond, orange, and light brown. These Snow Elves live there to this day.    

Character Creation

Ability Scores: Str +2; Con +1
Speed: 30 ft.
Age. Although elves reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans, the elven understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly experience. An elf typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old.
Alignment. Snow Elves value loyalty, duty, and hearth. Unlike most Elves who are free spirited and expressive, Snow Elves value duty, and practicality. They have had to endure and survive a harsh climate, and have little time for frivolities, yet they do not entirely abandon the artistic expressions of typical Elven culture.
Size. Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and have slender builds. Your size is Medium.
Darkvision. Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.
Trance. Elves don't need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is "trance.") While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep. If you meditate during a long rest, you finish the rest after only 4 hours. You otherwise obey all the rules for a long rest; only the duration is changed.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Elvish.
Snow Elf Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the light hammer, mace, warhammer, and maul.
Cold Resistance. You have resistance to cold damage.
Master of Ice. Any ability checks or saving throws made to resist the effects of cold weather, or snowy/icy terrain are made with advantage.