Frost Giant Ethnicity in Valine | World Anvil
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Frost Giant

Frost Giants predominate in the majority of Valine's chilly regions. They are among the tallest true giants, with some exceeding 21 feet in height. They weigh approximately 8,000 pounds.   Frost giants' skin and hair are numerous hues of blue and white, however some are known to have yellowed hair. The bodies of frost giants are entirely coated in ice. As a result, their eyes are typically blue or yellow. Men are more likely to grow beards during the fall and winter months, which become covered with ice and icicles.   Frost giants have been known to dress in a variety of animal skins and pelts, as well as whatever diamonds they may possess. When it comes to armor, they favor chainmail and helmets ornamented with horns and feathers.   Although they have a reputation for being crude and lacking intelligence among other races, the frost giants are more than capable of outwitting their opponents in combat. They put a premium on sheer might and military prowess.   Frost giants, like all giants, see and hear twice as far and are twice as powerful as a human. Due to their adaptation to low temperatures, their visual senses expand into the visible spectrum's higher end. This enables them to see more easily than other mammals during snow and blizzards.   The fact that their bodies, like those of white dragons, are impervious to cold does not render them immune to the effects of fire. Indeed they are particularly susceptible to damage from heat and fire.   Huge Lycanthropy have been discovered exclusively among the frost giants, making them one of only two giant ethnic groups that possess "true" Lycanthropy. Known to manifest as polar werebears, frost giant Lycanthropy possess longer hair but lack the capacity to transform into a hybrid form, which distinguishes them from the standard Lycanthropy.   Although a few polarweres have been observed living alongside other frost giants, they are typically solitary creatures due to the great demand for their pelts within their own species.   Frost giants frequently conceal themselves in snow on the peaks of ice or snowy hills, where the majority of their foes cannot see them. After hurling big boulders at their adversaries from afar, frost giants frequently close in on them with some sort of weapon.   Frost giants wield battleaxes, greataxes, and other weapons resembling those wielded by barbarians in the north. Some employ large bolas, a weapon originally devised by their kin who lived in tropical regions. Frost giants have altered it by substituting enormous spheres of ice for the wooden balls. Other frost giants repurpose their adversaries' equipment to their advantage, such as connecting shields together to construct scale armor or utilizing their swords as heads for giant-sized spears.   Njáll is credited with being the first frost giant. The legend being that Ades the Mad mated with a hill giant during a ferocious blizzard. As a teenager, Njáll is said to have seized control of the northern tundras of Briarra. His offspring served as a bulwark for his huge dominion, guarding it at all of its borders. Additionally, they were well-known for creating ice and snow sculptures reflecting scenes from their daily lives in the far north during the long winters. Njáll's legend, which is generally seen as greatly exaggerated, is based on the knowledge that a frost giant kingdom formerly ruled over the northern section of Briarra and certain crude depictions found in the ruins of that kingdom.   To advance in the frost giant ranks, an individual must, first and foremost, demonstrate physical strength, frequently through the individual's wrestling abilities (and proficiency at convincingly boasting). However, it can also manifest itself in the shape of musculature, battle scars, or even trophies fashioned from the bodies of their adversaries. Confronting a White Dragon to demonstrate their strength and social position is not an uncommon occurrence, though it frequently proves to be a fatal one. Due to their harsh environment, the majority of frost giants do not die a natural death, and to die in conflict is seen as a worthy passing.   If the comparative status of frost giants from different clans is unknown when they convene in a large group, they will compete for power. Such gatherings can take the shape of a carnival or festival, or it can take the form of a chaotic free-for-all, with giants  cheering on their clan's champions and making audacious claims or challenges. While violent confrontation is commonplace, amidst the chaos of such events bonds are formed and treaties negotiated between clans.   In their communities, members of the same family have the strongest bonds. Ancestry is venerated, and the bards of the frost giant clans introduce each new character in the sagas they write with a story about their forefathers and mothers, complete with suitable music to accompany the recitation of the ancestors' stories.   Frost giant civilizations are ruled by powerful and intelligent individuals known as Jarl who possessed the best equipment available to their tribe members, including armor made of dragon scales and mauls or warpicks made of dragon teeth or claws. Other frost giants are assigned varied responsibilities by the Jarl according to their physical power and endurance, such as child rearing, handicrafts, and hunting.   Carving and leatherworking abilities are highly valued in many frost giant tribes, although many perceive the fabrication of mundane objects as a menial career. Where valued, particular favorites of frost giants are jewelry and weapon handles sculpted of bone or ivory.   Bards are revered in frost giant society. Unlike conventional bards, frost giants are less competent at casting spells and prefer to employ a variety of Runecasting symbols. A frost giant bard's life is one of exploration, albeit not quite as much as that of a true warrior. They devote the majority of their time and attention to creating epic sagas that celebrate their tribe's exploits. They frequently make reference to their epic sagas as "Ades' mead," which is why many sagas begin with the line "I pour mead to the maddened one." A tribe of frost giants is used to preserving their people's history through the relaying of sagas from one generation to the next.   Frost giants are primarily carnivorous due to the conditions in which they live. While they frequently gain sustenance by hunting or attacks on humanoid villages, they are not afraid to trade when the occasion requires it. Raiders may preserve trophies of livestock captured during their attacks. Frost giants are reported to forego frying fresh carcasses in their home tundras since the flesh is already hot enough to satisfy their taste buds.   Frost giants are mostly found in mountainous or arctic places with significant snowfall, where they dwell in gigantic castles or deep tunnels.   They speak both Common and Esteesh, a dialect of the Giant language developed by the frost giants. They are frequently illiterate, though, because of their general low regard for education.   Frost giant villages are headed by Shaman and Witch Doctor, the latter of which is viewed by other races as a religious leadership hybrid of the cleric and the Wizard.   Frost giants frequently catch and tame wild animals for use as guards, pets, or hunting companions. Winter wolf are the most often kept species, followed by Owlbear, Mammoth, and Remhoraz. Rarer examples include Yeti and White Dragon. According to some, individuals of more sentient species have been held hostage or kidnapped for ransom.   Occasionally, Cloud Giant enlist frost giants to loot art and money on their behalf.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Folka, Gauthild, Geira, Grymra, Haelgra, Helmra, Hrimma, Imbra, Magra, Vulkara.

Masculine names

Fulvragg; Helmskag, Oraldr, Oskorri, Skane, Svolm, Ulfur, Uttir, Valkurl.

Cover image: World of Valine Tome by Rob Taylor


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