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Rubi'Sarha is the largest city in the Godsfall region and houses the governing body for the surrounding townships and villages. What once was a small fort along the Silverstream made to protect the main bridge to Godsfall from the East. While the bridge has long been broken the fort actually still stands and is used for the Golden Fangs   Rubi'Sarha features temples for each of the Nine from the Pantheon of the Nine, rare even in larger towns. While there isn't a firm caste system there are divides roughly by wealth each having it's own Adventurer's Guild hall. The Silverstream is the lifeblood of the whole city. Very little grows in the area west of the river however the grass lands east of the river are very prosperous and many farming and fishing villages have spring up just to support Rubi'Sarha. A new bridge was constructed north of the city so it didn't allow for easy access to the city interior.
Large city
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