Captain of the Guard Rank/Title in Valdys | World Anvil
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Captain of the Guard

The title given to the ultimate commander of a millitary force, especially in The Republic of Nerevarn and The Kingdom of Sarayne.  This person leads their division or force, and is answerable only to the government of the nation they fight for.


While anyone can be appointed a Captain as long as they have a sufficently impressive military record, it is generally the practice to choose someone who has already spent significant time fighting in the force they will Captain, and who has the trust of the soldiers they will command.  Often a retiring Captain will have a sucessor in mind, and it is considered good practice to at least strongly consider that candidate.


  • At least ten years service in any branch of the millitary.
  • Still in fighting condition - no severe illnesses or debilitating injuries.
  • A clean service record, with no significant breaches of conduct.
  • Official citizenship of the Nation they will fight for.
Form of Address
Source of Authority
The National Government
Length of Term
Appointed and dismissed by the head of state at will, or may retire if they feel it is time.


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