Okeania Organization in Valdoria | World Anvil


Located in the middle of The Terric Ocean, this city is split into two major parts. The docks, which are found on the surface, and the city center which is underwater. The city center can be reached by a series of lifts (elevators) that are located throughout the docks.   This city-state is a major trade hub. Most of the trade ships will use Okeania as a stopping point because stopping here allows them to complete their runs in half the time. Here they can off load and trade their goods for things that they would otherwise need to cross the whole ocean to trade. It gives the sailors a place to have their shore leave as well.   The other reason Okeania is a popular stopping point for trade and other transport ships is because they provide protection from pirates, slavers from Asmador, and the monsters that dwell within the depths. They are able to provide this protection because they possess a strong navy, as well as other means for fighting in the water.


The leading body of Okeania is the Magnus, a group of elders. They set the laws and oversee the operation of the city.   Beneath them are the Apprentices, a group comprised of the apprentices to the elders. They run the courts and enforce the laws that were made my the Magnus.


The people of Okeania are very open. Unlike other places throughout Valdoria, they don't hold to many of the prejudices against certain peoples that other places do.


At one time Okeania was an island nation. However, sometime after the The Celestial War, a disaster occurred which caused the island to sink into the sea. If it weren't for Poseidon, the city would have been lost. Seeing that the people of Okeania were a see loving people who sought to protect the ocean, he decided to save the city. He did this by creating a bubble around the island as it sunk, allowing those who lived in the city to breathe under the water.   Though it took many years, the people of Okeania discovered a way to transport people, and goods, to the surface. They built the first elevator to the surface. This allowed them to start to build ports which would cause them to become the trade hub it is today.

Demography and Population

There are many people of all races within Okeania. The majority of the citizens who live there are either human or elf. The city often contains well over 100,000 people at a time, however the population of people who actually live there is only 25,000.

Foreign Relations

They maintain peaceful ties will all the Nations of the world, including Asmador, for whom they act as a kind of hub for their slave trades with The Emantla Empire and to a lesser extent Fin-Nosfinhar. They even have good ties with Necranor, which most nations shun, though these trades are done more secretly, often through barbarian traders from The Vilderlinds.
Geopolitical, Free City
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
Okeania is ruled by a group of elders called The Magus. They work together to make the laws that govern Okeania. There are five members each is from a different group in the city, the merchants, the priest hood, the town guard, and two from the citizenry.
Judicial Body
The judicial body in Okeania is the Courts, which are run by the apprentices of the elders.

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