Asmador Organization in Valdoria | World Anvil


Asmador encompasses a volcanic wasteland. This nation is the homeland for many of the Drow and Tiefling of the world. Since this region is hostile to anything that would try to live in it, those who have come to call it home have turned to more sinister ways to eke out a living. This has caused this region to be the home for the slave trade.


This land is relatively lawless. They are loosely led by a king, who is more like a dictator than a king. In general it is the strongest or most cunning who have the power. The more people who fear or respect you the more power you will have.

Public Agenda

The agenda of Asmador changes with the current king, however it is more often than not along the lines of building the influence of the nation with neighboring nations and growing in land or power.


Asmador was formed during the Celestial War by Asmodeous. Asmador was the seat of his power and flourished during the war. When Asmodeous was defeated the nation found it hard to live in the lands that were scarred during Asmodeous' rule. This led the nation to become the hostile and rather lawless place that it has become.
Geopolitical, Country
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Myths


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