Astoria Organization in Valdoria | World Anvil


Located on the eastern side of the divide, Astoria is a lush land filled with rolling hills. The areas where one would expect to be dry due to the mountains are fed with water from the streams and rivers that flow down from their summits.   This country is mainly populated by dragon born who are descended from metallic dragons. The people who live here are kindhearted and will welcome almost anyone into their communities. The one major exception to this are the chromatic dragonborn. These dragonborn are viewed with mild distrust at best, and outward disgust or even hatred at worst. This is due to the fact that Astoria and Dragamor have been at war off and on for centuries. These usually stem from the general hatred that is held between the parent dragons.


The head of state for Astoria is the King. The king is elected by the people and rules for ten years before the next election is held. The King then appoints the judges who oversee the courts. The Governor of each city rules the surrounding areas and are in charge of local matters.


Astoria keeps a large standing army, most of which is stationed along the Stern Mountains. They keep a decent sized navy as well to protect their coasts.
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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