Loxodon Species in Vaeruin | World Anvil


Loxodon Traits

  • Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1..

  • Additional Score: Fiend Types: +1 Intelligence, Dexterity +1, Strength +1 (Choose one).

  • Size: Medium.

  • Speed: 30 feet.

  • Feat: One feat of their choice.

  • Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

  • Loxodon Bravery: You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

  • Languages: Common,Loxo.

  • Natural Armor: You have thick, leathery skin. When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dex modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield’s benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor. (AC calculations don’t stack).

  • Stonecunning:Thanks to your sensitive trunk, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that rely on smell.

  • Weapon/Armor Proficiencies: Proficiency with medium and heavy armor. Proficiency with Mason’s tools.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Loxodon are originally from a far realm called Ravnica. Over time, as many beings do, a natural or accidental migration found them in various parts of the Planes. How they came to Vaeruin, however, was neither natural nor accidental.


The greyfolk seem to have different subspecies, but all share common traits: they are bipedal, humanoid, have large tusks/horns made of ivory, and have leathery skin. Some Loxodon have long trunks and even larger ears, evolved in order to keep them cool in scorching heat waves. Others have gaping-wide mouths that can swallow melons whole. Regardless of their differences in shapes or features, the Loxodon of Vaeruin act like a single Conclave.


These creatures are muscular and incredibly bulky, with both male and female counterpart being made up of wrinkle rolls of hardened skin. Not every Loxodon will grow tusks or horns, but those who do are even heavier and bulkier as these are made out of pure ivory. They can be shades of grey, white, black, or even natural shades of blue and purple. The great greyfolk's strength and loyalty is unmatched, which made them easy to buy out or "use" in wars. Since being in Vaeruin, Loxodon are purposefully peaceful and even avoidant, keeping to Moorland.

“There are times to stay put, and what you want will come to you, and there are times to go out into the world and find such a thing for yourself.”

Genetics and Reproduction

Loxodon are incredibly large and take up a lot of space, so reproduction tends to be infrequent. The society is Matriarchal and selective, and to deter overpopulation, only one or two pair are chosen a year to reproduce. The Mooreland herd absolutely allows for romance and mated pairs, but purposeful reproduction is a privalege. Members of Mooreland Conclave believe that this constraint is for the societal good.


Female greyfolk gestate their young for close to two years, which means that births in the society are either staggering and continual or in a season of waiting. While the female Loxodon is with calf, they are slow, uncomfortable, and vulnerable. The females who have birthed before take special care and act as Doulas before, during, and after the birth. Once a Loxodon has given birth, they are esteemed within the herd.

by Rob Meyers

Growth Rate & Stages

Live birth is difficult for the large creatures, which is why the support of the Doulas are important. Young calves are fragile, clumsy, and mute for many months. The Mooreland herd cares for the calf with communal roles; each member is responsible for its wellfare and growth.


Live birth is difficult for the large creatures, which is why the support of the Doulas are important. Young calves are fragile, clumsy, and mute for many months. The Mooreland herd cares for the calf with communal roles; each member is responsible for its wellfare and growth. A Loxodon is not considered a mature adult until age 60 years.


Adults are expected to take up a trade: stoneworks, woodworks, or some other trade that involves their innate skills. Adults may leave the Conclave for a short time to hone and practice their craft in the larger cities and regions, but are expected to return. Elders and Matriarchs are those who have reached age 300 and above and are responsible for the guidance, wisdom, and protecting the culture of the Conclave.

Ecology and Habitats

Luxodon live in Moorland, a commune that is nestled in a valley. This land was founded by the greyfolk years before the Halfies even arrived in Vaeruin. The stone of the hills around the lake have been lovingly shaped for centuries, providing cover for the Conclave during harsh weather. The Matriarch tells stories of Loxodon living in hot desert areas in other worlds, but she does not seem to hold a grudge against living in the temperate, beautiful land.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Loxodon are herbavores who eat mostly fruits, nuts, roots, and vegetables. They must consume great amounts of food a day in order to stay healthy and strong, especially through harsh winter months.

Biological Cycle

Much like the Ursine and the Aven, the Loxodon go through a sort of hibernation during harsh winter seasons. Though the greyfolk do not fully go to sleep, they do slow down and conserve energy when the weather is too cold and trecherous. The Loxodon are particularly vulnerable to the cold, unlike the mammoth beasts of the west, so they make great bonfires to ward off the chill.


Male Loxodon have tusks or horns that shed during fluxuating hormonal cycles, which happen to be around Foxólt. This is a bloody process that involves much patience from the community as a whole. During this hormonal flush, called Toos, male Loxodon are particularly short-tempered, in pain, and can be rash or dangerous.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Loxodon form Conclaves. These Conclaves bond the members of the herd, devoting themselves to maintaining that bond.


Moorland's conclave is largely a collectivist commune, giving all funds and riches made to be spread among them. The society is Matriarchal, meaning that females hold higher "sway" when it comes to decisions of the herd. These Matriarchs are made up of the ultimate Matriarch, the oldest of the conclave, then those are currently with calf, the Doulas, then females who have not had a child yet. The males of the society are not seen as "lesser", but there are rules in place in order to keep their commune safe from potential Toos fueled conflicts.


The current Matriarch, Nonira, has been in leadership since the Loxodon came to Vaeruin. It is rumoured that she is immortal, or perhaps an incarnation that was birthed over and over again as an elder from the womb.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Loxodon live exclusively in Moorland, a beautiful haven perfect for these enormous creatures. While adult greyfolk will travel or stay small stints in other regions, it is extremely rare to find one living outside of the Conclave.


If you do encounter a rogue Loxodon content on living outside of Moorland, it is almost certain that they have been exiled.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Loxodon have incredible senses of smell, even those who have no trunks, and are often asked to scent out poisons or sicknesses. They have an uncanny and magical ability to create amazing peices of stonework in short amounts of time. Stone buildings, walls, furniture are incredibly complex when built by the greyfolk. Woodworking is also unrivaled and can be laced with locksmith magical properties.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Loxodon honor past lives with names of those who have passed on, or that the Matriarch remembers from the journey to Vaeruin.

Some Loxodon name examples:


Major Organizations

Loxodon are often invited to join organizations or factions for their skills in artisan work. Usually, it is refused by the Matriarch, if only on principle to keep their culture separate from others.

Gender Ideals

The Loxodon culture have specific gender roles in their society revolving around reproduction. However, both male and female Loxodon are considered equally competent and talented in their arts.


Female Loxodon are esteemed for their ability to bring forth new life. Males are honored for their masculine strength (the hormonal release and expression of Toos) and historical protective actions.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship between two Loxodons is a communal affair with the initiator using members of their commune to help them court their chosen one. These courtships can last years before the relationship is deemed "ready" by the Matriarch to be publically committed. This ceremony is typically a month-long event, specially tailored to the pair, and a memory that is passed down for generations.


Each year during Loonmoot, the Matriarch will choose which mated male and female pair will reproduce.

Relationship Ideals

Due to their long lifespan, it is not considered morally superior for a greyfolk to choose a single mate for life. This belief is romantic, but not always practical. When a couple decides that their romantic bond has been fulfilled or is ready to end, they will continue to honor their strong platonic bond until death.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Loxodon speak "Loxo", which is a trumpeting or rumbling sort of noise. These expressions can be loud and shrill or soft and almost unhearable due to how low they register. Loxo is not the same language as the Mammoths, an animal, so the greyfolk cannot communicate with them without magical means.

Common Etiquette Rules

Moorland is completely off limits to anyone who is not specifically requested or in dire need of help.


When speaking to a greyfolk, it is prudent to make your intentions known up front. Most adult and elder Loxodon do not like to "beat around the bush" of pleasantries before getting to business, or saying what you mean.

Common Dress Code

Loxodon have long since shed the need or desire for heavy metal armor, being content with their isolated, peaceful life. In fact, it is against the conclave orders for the metalworks to be used for weapons or armor suited for Loxodon.


Instead, lovely robes of lace, silk, and wool don the great creatures. Flower crowns are reserved for the Doula, with the more elaborate worn by those who are currently with calf or who have had multiple calves in their lifetime.


Males will often dip their ivory horns and tusks into molten gold or dyed metals, signifying their age and beauty. They then keep their shed, beautiful ivory in their homes, or gift them to very special individuals.


Rings, necklaces, and chains are often worn and given to lvoed ones within the commune. They are made locally, usually by the gift-giver.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Loxodon who abide by Moorland Matriarch are pacifists; patient and avoidant of conflict.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Every month of Loonmoot, on the first Wreathsday, the Matriarch will choose a mated male/female pair to reproduce the next generation of that year. This is done in a large festival-like celebration called Venphe in which the chosen couple is celebrated for three days and encouraged to consumate on the fourth day in the Matriarch's Hall. When they emerge on the fifth day, the Matriarch publically announces the number of calves to be expected (usually 1 or 2), their genders, and their anticipated date of birth.


Once a year - the third Sootsday of Tonnet - Moorland is fully open to travellers who wish to trade with the finely skilled artisans, called the Day of Tenbeth. Inhabitants from all over anticipate this day of open trade, and the quiet commune erupts with life.

Common Taboos

It is considered a great crime to steal from Moorland. Even the wild flowers or leaves on the ground are considered rightful property of the commune.


As a member of the conclave, keeping any amount of profit earned outside of the commune is grounds for exile. All coin or payments must be given to the Matriarch to be divided up among the community.


Short History of Loxodon in Vaeruin


What do you do when someone you love makes a decision that you disagree with? Do you follow your leaders into the veil of the unknown? What is trust without a bit of blindness: without a bit of faith?.


The first Loxodon in Vaeruin didn’t stumble here by accident, but were lead by trusted loved ones who believed they were doing the best for their Conclave (or so it would seem).


Yet for those who wished to return to their previous way of life, or unite with comrades who did not join, found betrayal and grief.


Many of the first chose to become consumed by bitterness, passing down a lineage of victims and jaded souls. Their Conclaves are deeply hidden within woods and mountains, not marked on maps or uttered by those in Moorland. Others chose to make the best of the opportunity to live a life in a protected world with strange cohabitants. This conclave interacts with the others in larger cities, using their love of loyalty and stoneworks to find purpose.

“ Elephants don’t know anything about the world of ants; the peaks of mountains are oblivious of what is happening on the plains!"

Common Myths and Legends

Though Nonira herself denies the myths, it is widely believed that the Matriarch of Moorland is either immortal, or a continuation of divine reincarnation. She openly recalls memories of her journey to Vaeruin as a young Loxodon nearly 600 years ago, and these memories have been affirmed by other family oral accounts.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While rare, it has happened where a Loxodon fell in love with another species. The only open occurance was between a Loxodon named Genma and an Aven. This relationship was brought to the Matriarch and, in this cased, blessed. They, of course, bore no children and the Aven passed away long before Genma. Genma died of a broken heart less than a decade later.

450 years
Average Height
6 ft - 8 ft
Average Weight
2,000 lbs - 8,000 lbs
Geographic Distribution

Also Known As:

  • "Greyfolk"
  • "Hairless Mammoth" - considered perjorative