Ursine Species in Vaeruin | World Anvil


Ursine Traits

  • Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2.

  • Additional Score: Sleuth: +1 Constitution, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1 (Choose one).

  • Size: Medium.

  • Speed: 30 feet.

  • Feat: One feat of their choice.

  • Bear Claws: You can use your paws as natural weapons. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d4 slashing damage on a hit.

  • Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

  • Languages: Common and communicate with bears and bear-based creatures.

  • Natural Prowess: You gain advantage on any Perception check that benefits your powerful sense of smell. This perception bonus is not granted to any sense other than smell.

  • Darkvision: Your ancestors have long since become used to being active in the night, becoming accustomed to little source of light. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see up to 60 feet in dim light as if it were bright light and darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot detect any colour in darkness, only a grayscale.

  • Sleuth Skills (Pick One):
    Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
      Arctic Resistance. You have a resistance to cold damage.
      Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to hide (and take adv.) even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Ursine - or Bearfolk - are broad-shouldered, bipedal humanoids from the Material Plane. Although they strongly resemble upright bears, they have longer legs than any bear and their massive hands are more like a human’s hand than a bear’s paw. Their hands, however, still bear sharp claws. Ursine physiques tend toward great bulk beneath shaggy fur, making them perfectly able to adapt to the temperate to frigid climate of Vaeruin. Even the slenderest bearfolk are quite strong.

Ursine covered in shaggy fur that can have a range of colors. The most common colors are black, brown, or white, often with a lighter frosting or tip on the chest, shoulders, and upper back. Coppery red, honey-colored, and even grey fur occur rarely. The color gives a clue to the particular bearfolk’s heritage, but it’s not an exact indicator. As they age, bearfolk tend to go silvery around the muzzle, giving them a distinguished look.

Genetics and Reproduction

Evolution and necessity made the Ursine produce litters of around 2-3 cubs. In other worlds, only one might survive. In Vaeruin, if a cub is born in a season other than winter, all cubs are expected to survive. This means that Ursine are careful when attempting to conceive, typically planning pregnancies as soon as winter seems to be ending. Parents hope to catch the sweet spot of a long spring and summer so that their offspring grow in times of abundance. Though, in Vaeruin, nothing is completely absolute.

Growth Rate & Stages

Cubs grow incredibly fast. It is a charming part of Sleuth life for dozens of naked bearcubs to tottle around as they outgrow clothes as quickly as they are put in them. Ursine hit sexual maturity at 12, but often wait until their 20s before seriously considering vows and families of their own. Around ages 10-15 is when each cub is sent on a social "quest" in order to earn their adult name.


Elder Ursine begin to slow down around 50, and spent their last 10-12 years of their lives in reverence. Many choose to live quiet lives imparting wisdom to the youth or perfecting some herbal (or alcoholic) concotion that will live on after they pass.

Ecology and Habitats

Ursine prefer the cover of heavy forests and have established the three Sleuths of Vaeruin in these.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ursine are the definition of opportunists. Their sweet tooths know no bounds and Ursine who are privy to travellers and strangers often become transfixed on new, exciting dishes.


Their diets are heavy in protein and fats, and they have many ways to prepare foods for less abundant times.

Biological Cycle

Vaeruin's seasons are long and often whimsical, created by The God of Endings' emotional state. Winters can be days or years. Therefore, Ursine are able to hibernate through the worst of winters.


Though, not everyone has the privelege to sleep the year(s) away. When winter is clearly announced, the Elders of each Sleuth choose those who will sleep and those who will continue to keep things running smoothly. These chosen few have the magical ability to wake up any or all in case of emergency. They are also able to eat and drink whatever special stores have been saved up specifically for those chosen, a rare treat that not everyone will have the ability to experience.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ursine believe that personal freedom is of paramount importance. Thus, the bearfolk society is built upon reputation and trust. There are no appointed leaders or governing bodies, but if you were to walk into a Slueth and ask who was "in charge", any Ursine could point out the most well-respected individual. This individual is usually the oldest in the Sleuth, but not always.


Each Sleuth (or family system) has values that look different from the other, which influences the behavior of their members. For example, Kipburn is renown for its hospitality and openness to outsiders, capitalizing on coin and luxuries from Atrary and Ofrary by setting up inns and restaurants. Applemar is more secluded, preferring to keep to themselves, but still offers amenities to travellers. Dedlem, however, is just shy of hostile to nearly all outsiders.


Ursines wear the seal of where they are from on their clothing, or dye it into their fur. They wear it proudly and are only given their seal when it is earned through some sort of social task or initiation.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ursine are deeply established in Vaeruin, having centuries old "Sleuths" in three places: Kipburn, Applemar, and Dedlem. These Sleuths are closely knit and typically made up of several families living together, though outsiders are often tolerated or even welcomed depending on the location. Kipburn is the most welcoming of outsiders and travellers with Applemar also being friendly, but less frequently visited. Dedlem, however, can be considered hostile in environment and personality.


Bearfolk are incredibly versatile and adaptable, which makes them desirable for hire. This, unfortunately, has riddled their history in other lands as paid mercenaries, war fodder, or even slaves. So while can be found all around Vaeruin doing odd jobs, most value the simplicity of freedom in their home Sleuths.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ursine are deeply connected to the earth and make excellent rangers and druids. Those born in Vaeruin are filled with magic and can tap into innate bravery, resistance to cold, and the ability to hide almost anywhere in nature.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Bearfolk are given cub names by their parents, like nicknames that may stick with them as they grow or may be shed. When an Ursine comes of age, they earn a new name, either bestowed upon them by an elder or one they choose themselves. This name befits a deed undertaken during their rite of passage into adulthood, describes some honorable or prominent trait of the bearfolk in question, or honors an ancestor.

Some Ursine name examples:


Gender Ideals

Due to the importance of personal freedom, Ursine are free to express themselves however they please. This means that beauty and gender ideals are truly within the eye of the beholder. However, fashion among the large folk usually means heavy leather or metallic clothing, neutral colors with flashes of bright color, and necklaces or rings large enough for the thick necks and fingers. Such extravagance is mostly seen in Kipburn, of course.


Ursine have been subjected to generations of forced war or mercenary work, causing their numbers to die out in other parts of the worlds. In those areas, it is prudent for those who identify as males and females to pair off and mate as much as physically possible in order to keep the species alive. In Vaeruin, Ursine are encouraged to pair up with someone they truly care for.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is quick and blustery, much like the Ursine themselves. The Bearfolk take a very direct approach to their relationships and can be initiated by any gender. It would not be uncommon for a potential couple to meet on a Mothsday and be wed by Soothsday.


Ursine are blessed in vows by the most respected of their Sleuths and, if the pair are from two different Sleuths, a collective blessing can be made.

"I _____, publically take you ____, to by my partner, secure in the knowledge that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my love."
-Common Vows

Relationship Ideals

Vaeruin Ursine have different ideals to monogamy than other bearfolk found elsewhere. Monogamy may or may not be practiced and is up to the individual pairs. It isn't uncommon for Ursine to have many weddings or many serious partners. However, no matter how progressive this may seem, the Ursine are not immune to jealousy. Crimes of passion have been known to occur and make up folktales and cub warnings.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Ursine language (Ursine) is gruff and gutteral. Bearfolk can communicate with all other Ursine, bear, and bear-like creatures (wolverine, bearcats, porcupines, ect.)

Common Etiquette Rules

Ursine drink a lot and are known for their famous (or infamous) Honey Brew. This ale is sold across Vaeruin's taverns and the recipe and specially bred bees feircely guarded. It would be considered rude to not ask for the newest Honey Ale in Kipburn and Applemar, as each Sleuth have different flavors based on the flowers or fruits the bees feed from. Just...don't ask any Dedlem folk for a mug of brew, if you ever were lucky enough to see one.


It is considered impolite and suspicious to disturb the Sleuths communal sleeping taverns called Dúras during long winter seasons. This would be an incredibly easy way to get on a Bearfolk's bad side, if you're into that.

Common Dress Code

The more often a Sleuth deals with outsiders, the more common it is to see them don clothes. This could be to make the travellers feel welcome, or because they simply like the fashion. The Dedlem Ursine, however, wear little to no clothing aside from protective armor or furs.


Ursine seem to enjoy metalwork and leatherwork, so a lot of the clothes that they do wear have armor purposes.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Vaeruin Ursine come from a people used and abused over time. Being as large, powerful, but more animal-like than human often was a handicap to growth and respect from other humanoids. At the worst of times, the Ursine were enslaved to fight wars for others who were in power. At the best, they might own small plots of land for one or two generations before being pushed out violently. Freedom seemed incredibly short lived.


Now that the Bearfolk have arrived and thrived in Vaeruin for a nearly one hundred years, their culture has flourished. In general, they are well liked and respected among the regions of Vaeruin. Their wares and cuisine bought and sold in the highest of Atrary courts. The elders of each Sleuth do well to remind the youth where they have come from and the adversities their ancestors faced in order for their cubs to live freely and without imposing rules form outsiders.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Ursine respect and follow the direction of The God of Endings, though most Bearfolk do not consider themselves religious. Yearly, all of Vaeruin comes to pay homage and respect to the God on the 30th of Skelsefest.


Avenfolk have yearly celebrations, such as the Day of Unna and the Festival of Frels.

Common Taboos

It is incredibly frowned upon by all members of Sleuths to be bought for mercenary work or any contract work that takes away one's agency.


Short History of Ursine in Vaeruin

by @gebhartyler

There are few things more important than personal freedom. The ability to choose for yourself what morals, rights, and expectations you will uphold is the ultimate expression of life.

The Ursine came to Vaeruin not to hide but to protect a lifestyle that so many others seek to destroy. The founding Sleuths, being ancestors of faefolk themselves, heard of a land unable to be touched by anyone who did not earn their place. Familiar with the Fae Realm, they spent many years chasing fables until their patience was rewarded.

Those beings who provided the initiations were clear; Vaeruin would always be a wild territory full of opportunities. The cost of entrance was and is always the forfeiture of being able to return, and the adoption of the reverence of the God (or Gods) who let you in.

For a race used to making compromises that usually ends them drafted into a war or pushed into constrictive policies, this was, and still is, a perfectly acceptable compromise.

“ Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.
We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream."

Common Myths and Legends

Legend of the very first Ursine to find Vaeruin, Drirn. It is said that Drirn was the largest bearfolk to ever have existed. His fur, lips, and nose were pitch black and his teeth stained red from tearing through his captor's flesh to make it to the Bubbling Void. Bursting forth, he tore the heads and wings off of the first Kaesimar he saw, and anyone else who dared try to restain him. Only the God himself had enough strength to calm him, and once it was done, they spoke for days. It is said that he impressed the God of Endings so much that he vowed to never use the likeness of bears or bearfolk to communicate to the inhabitants of Vaeruin.


Far less wholesome is the myth that Ursine cubs are being stolen and sold as pets to the highest classes in Atrary. Stories of cubs returning to their home Slueths as adults who were literal pets dressed up and kept in the stables with the dogs and horses. Far more gruesome are the rumors of gladiator-style fights in seedy places with winners buying their survival through taking the life of some other poor creature.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Ursine can and do fall in love and wed others from outside their species. It is considered a rarity to be found beautiful or desirable by a Bearfolk, and usually reserved for the strongest, biggest individuals.

60 years
Average Height
6ft - 8ft tall
Average Weight
240 lbs - 1,400 lbs
Average Length
From nose to stubby tail, 4 ft - 10 ft

Also Known As:

  • "Bearfolk"
  • "Bear" - considered perjorative, depending on how it is used

Ursine Vocabulary

Articles under Ursine