Aven Species in Vaeruin | World Anvil


Aven Traits

  • Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.

  • Size: Small to Medium.

  • Speed: 25 feet / 30 feet flying (no med/heavy armor).

  • Feat: One feat of their choice. (See Aven Feats for more info).

  • Aven Points: You have 6 Aven Points to spend on your choice of the traits below. Unless the trait says otherwise, you can only take it once.

  • Flight Rule [OPTIONAL]: When ending your turn while flying, you start to float down to the ground. You can use your reaction to catch yourself right before impact.

  • Languages: Common, Aven, one other language.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

A typical Aven has feathers of all colors and brightness. Some feathers have glowing properties. To outsiders, it may be hard to tell genders apart as Avenfolk are known for their adrogynous features. Every individual has wings, talons, and beaks, but depending on their sub-species, these wings may be flightless and ending in hands.


Avenfolk social class is determined by whether or not the individual can fly.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproducing is tricky, particularly if a pair differs greatly biologically. Avenfolk are, at their base genetics, all alike. However, due to the unlimited possibilites of sizes, shapes, colors, and physical attributes, not all pairs are able to procreate and make viable life. Some Avenfolk pairs just simply cannot create zoetic eggs. When this becomes an issue, many pairs adopt eggs that have been abandoned, sold, or even stolen.

Growth Rate & Stages

Aven lay eggs and, depending on their size and body type, may only lay once in their lifetime or as often as multiple times a year. The chicks are essentially helpless for the first year of their life, depending on their parents for survival. Those who can fly usually learn within the first few years. Aven reach sexual maturity at the age of 9 years.

Aven live to be about 30 years old. They grow faster than other species on Vaeruin. There is a rule of thumb that for the smaller the Aven, the quicker they seem to grow.
In the winter season, Avenfolk's feathers are duller and thicker. In the springtime, those who have colorful plumage explode into bright, vibrant shades. Molting is common in the youth, or between long seasons.

Ecology and Habitats

Avenfolk originate from The Plane of Air, described as being "completely and fully blue"

It is as open as the eternal sky.
It is as solid as a child's breath.
It is falling forever.
— Manual of the Planes

Vaeruin, however, is a far stretch from endless air. Avenfolk have set up their society on the Southeast portion of the continent. Keeltawa Strand and Greenlow, the coastal and marshy islands, are populated by the species.
Avenfolk are opportunists in any season, but spring is truly the most preferred.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Avenfolk eat a wide variety of foods: meat, fish, eggs, bugs, and fruits/nuts. Due to the potentials of long winters, there are many family-owned stockpiles and markets in Keeltawa.

Most Ra-ey (pronounced "Ra-eye") are expert farmers, fishermen, and merchants out of necessity. The marshlands of Keeltawa Strand grow rice and fruits. Some families partner up with Ofrary's fishing ports to run very successful and lucrative fishing ventures.

The Ka'ey (pronounced "K-eye"), the flyers, have less ability to gather for themselves, but have no problems in acquiring a wealth of rations in their sky-homes in Greenlow. There are those who fly as predators, however, who often stock meat for show of strength and sport. The larger the prey, the more prestigious.

Biological Cycle

Life in Vaeruin offers an interesting evolutionary trait to the Avenfolk not shared by those on the Elemental Plane of Air: the ability to go into Torpor.


Vaeruin's seasons are long and often whimsical, created by The God of Endings' emotional state. When the winters are bitter and cold and the ice stretches even over the marshy coasts, Avenfolk have the ability to survive. While the Ursine hibernate, the Avenfolk are able to slow their body functions to conserve energy and heat. Torpor allows the heart rate, breathing, and body temperature to slow. This prevents Avenfolk from having to migrate to warmer climates (an impossibility in Vaeruin).
During this time of torpor, Avenfolk limit food intake, movement, and spend most of their time sleeping and eating off of saved food stores. No chicks are hatched, either, and any eggs unhatched during this time may spoil.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Aven anatomy ranges wildly and, due to selective breeding, ranges from modest efficiency to wild, flamboyant displays. There are two main "kinds" of Aven, only separated because of social class: the Ka'ey and the Ra'ey.

The Ka'ey (pronounced "K-eye") are those who can fly while the Ra'ey (pronounced "Ra-eye") cannot. This distinction largely affects an Avens' ability to find work, mates, and social class. Ground bound Ra'ey evolved over time to have clawed hands, strong bodies, and opposable thumbs in order to survive. In Vaeruin, Ra'ey are workers and the commonfolk.
Those who can fly, however, are not without deficits themselves. What the Ka'ey gained in flight, they lack in the convenience of having hands. These Aven make up the upper class of the cast system, the Crelle.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Aven can be found all over Vaeruin, but they tend to stay with their flock. Two major areas concern the Avenfolk: Greenlow and Keeltawa Strand.

Greenlow offers luxurious coastal sky-homes and lovely views of Ofrary's shores. Keeltawa Strand is more humble, set in marshes off the coast.
If an Avenfolk is far from these two places and alone it can be assumed that they are either exiled from home or on the run.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Because of the vast amount of different sorts of Avenfolk, each have their own extraordinary capabilities. Those who fly, of course, have speeds unmatched. Others have great, sharp talons on hands and feet that shred easily into prey. Some can see in pitch darkness, while others can hear the heartbeat of mouse underneath feet of snow.


Songs can be used for magical means by those blessed.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Avenfolk are named in respect to the sounds that they create in song. Suchas, they are called Songnames. All Aven can sing, even as a chick. Some names have historical meanings, such as a grandparent's songname. Other songnames hold magical capabilities.

Some songname examples:


Major Organizations

Avenfolk have Nests that make up the upper echelon, the Ka'ey caste. These nests have many members, mostly tied by family or close friends. Wealth is passed down from generations.

The Nest of Vairkak

is the most wealthy and well known establishment in Greenlow. The members of this nest are known to be sky-predators: angular in appearance, powerful, and large. Their sky-homes are large and intimidating.

The Nest of Crelle

is the second most popular in Greenlow. The members of this nest are brightly colored, exotic, and exceptional flyers. They own a large collection of gems and jewels and are often after more.

The Nest of Graw

is the only organization held by Ra'ey Avenfolk. This nest is on Keeltawa Strand and its members are apart of the wealthier merchant and business owners.

Gender Ideals

Avenfolk are androgynous, taking after the likeness of their creator Ōmete, the god of duality. Each Aven takes on qualities of both feminine and masculine, at least as other societies see it.
Gender roles are not tied to the sex of an individual. The only "role" for female sex that a male sex might not share is the ability to produce eggs, but this is seen as an incredible gift.
Because gender is celebrated as fluid in Avenfolk society, the answer to an outsider's curiosity of "Are you male or female?" might be "Both".

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is an incredibly complex and long process. Once a mate has been chosen by family or by feelings, both individuals will spend months to years carefully planning gifts and displays of affection. Depending on one's social class, these gifts and displays could be as humble as a rare flower or as extravagant as a party with visitors from all across Vaeruin.

Relationship Ideals

It is common for Aven to mate for life, especially within the Ra'ey social class where it is mutually beneficial. Mating for life within the lesser caste provides many things: financial security, safety, and stability. For those in the Crelle caste, there are exceptional benefits to seek out others who share similar physical qualities.
Gender is fluid in Aven society, which means that paired Avenfolk may not have the physical capabilities to produce eggs. This is why egg adoption between similar-looking Avenfolk is common.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Aven language is sing-songy and musical.

Common Etiquette Rules

It is common to bring gifts such as fruits or prepared meals when visiting Avenfolk lands.
It is considered very rude to refuse or not ask for a family's entire songname when first meeting them (the string of names that create an entire ballad of generations).

Common Dress Code

Avenfolk dress minimally and only to accentuate their plumage or colorful feathers.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Avenfolk revere The God of Endings, even though it is not their original creator or god. Yearly, all of Vaeruin comes to pay homage and respect to the God on the 30th of Skelsefest.


Avenfolk have yearly celebrations, such as the Holai and the Festival of Song.

Common Taboos

Avenfolk sometimes sell their viable and unviable (unfertilized) eggs (note: adoption is fine). This is largely frowned upon, especially to do so for food sources.


In upper circles in Atrary, some Halfies will pay large sums of coin for viable eggs. These chicks are often raised as sorts of "pets".


Short History of Aven in Vaeruin

Some say the Aven flew here hundreds of years ago to find a place to colonize with absolute protection. History dates artwork depicting a wild wilderness with Aven migrating in some sort of exodus. Such a diverse painting of Aven of all sorts coming together to settle a land mysterious and eerie.

Elders of the various clusters of Aven Flocks pass down oral history in song and dance. Songs of the original birdfolk riding wind currents, carried by literal hands by favors of the god, and crossing barriers unable to be seen by mortal eye.

Some believe the migration was forced by some unforgivable sin committed in the Elemental Plane of Air, and that the god granted them atonement in Vaeruin. Other Avan believe Vaeruin to be a sort of purgatory, a holding place, that is neither good nor bad. Generations are created on the backs of these stories.

New Avan flutter in here and there, quietly stepping between two planes of existence. They, of course, bring in their own triumphs and troubles from their former lives.

“The flock calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting –
over and over
announcing your place
in the family of things".

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

In Avenfolk society, interspecies relations are frowned upon. It is not uncommon for those accused of engaging in interspecies relationships to be exiled from their Nest (if apart of one) or forbidden to work or live in Keeltawa Strand.


Aven are the blessed children of Ōmete, the androgynous god of duality, birthed when a feather was placed under their breast.

All Avenfolk originated from The Elemental Plane of Air.

30 years
Average Height
Aven can be anywhere between 2 ft.– 7 ft tall, and their size may have nothing to do with their ability to fly.
Average Weight
8 lb - 40 lbs
Average Length
Wingspans can be as long as 15 feet.
Geographic Distribution

Also Known As:

  • "Birdfolk"

Aven Traits

You have six Aven Points to spend.

Aven weapon training: You gain proficiency in your choice of four of the following weapons: spears, shortbows, longbows, daggers, shortbows, and shields (Cost: 1 point)

Aven Lore: You gain proficiency in a musical instrument of your choice, or one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Deception, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Stealth, and Survival. (Cost: 1 point per proficiency)

Darkvision: You gain a darkvision of 60 feet . (Cost: 2 points)

Expert Forgery: You can duplicate another creatures’ handwriting and craftwork. You have advantage on all checks made to produce forgeries or duplicates of existing objects. (Cost: 2 points)

Extra Language: You earn an extra language of you choice. This can be selected multiple times. (Cost: 1 point per language)

Fast Swimmer: You can increase your swim speed by 5. This can be selected multiple times. (Cost: 1 point each)

Flightless: For whatever reason, despite being Aven, you cannot fly. You lose your inherit flight trait but GAIN a Aven Point. (+1 Point)

Flyby: While flying, you do not provoke opportunity attacks. (Cost: 2 points)

Hold Breath: You can hold your breath up to 15 minutes. (Cost: 1 points)

Improved Talons: Your talons now deal 1d6 slashing damage instead of 1d4 slashing. Must have talons. (Cost: 1 points)

Increased Flight: Your base flight speed increases by 5 feet. This can be selected multiple times. (Cost: 1 point per increase)

Keen Hearing: You have advantage on all Perception checks that have to deal with sound. (Cost: 1 point)

Keen Sight: You have advantage on all Perception checks that have to deal with sight. (Cost: 1 point)

Kenku Curse: You are the victim of an unfortunate curse that has plagued Aven for generations. You lose the ability to speak your own words, and lose your inherent Fly speed. In their place, you gain the Mimicry trait (Cost: 0 point)

Large and Proud: Your size becomes the next size up (Only Small to Medium) (Cost: 1 point)

Mimicry: You can mimic any sounds or voices you have heard, and can attempt to fool others with a Deception check contested with their own Insight check (Cost: 2 points)

Natural Magic: You are an Aven with a natural connection to the world and magic. You learn a single cantrip of your choice from the Druid Spell List using Wisdom modifier to cast it. (Cost: 1 point)

Plumage: You have a beautiful pattern on your body. You gain advantage to all checks made with single Charisma-based skill of your choice. (Cost: 1 point)

Quick Feet: Your base walking speed increases to 30 feet. (Cost: 1 point)

Soft Down: You have warm down feathers that protect you from high altitudes and cold climates. (Cost: 2 points)

Song: You can sing as a bonus action, giving an ally that can hear you within 30 feet advantage on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. A creature can only gain the benefits of one song at a time, and it disappears if not used on their next turn. You can do this a number of times equal to your Charisma Modifier (Minimum 1) and you regain all uses after you finish a long rest. (Cost: 2 points)

Sturdy Build: You can fly while wearing medium armor (must be Medium sized or have +1 strength). (Cost: 2 points)

Superior Darkvision: Darkvision range increases to 120 feet (Must have Darkvision).(Cost: 1 point)

Swimmer: You gain a swim speed of 30. (Cost: 1 point)

Talons: You are proficient in Unarmed Strikes, and your strikes deal 1d4+Strength modifier in slashing damage (Cost: 1 point)


You gain 2 Aven Points to spend on unlocking more traits of your race. Under normal circumstances, you CANNOT use the Large and Roud with this feat.


You have mastered the ability of flight that is common among your species. You no longer start to fall while flying after the end of your turn.

Cover image: by Wallpaper Cave (Free Images)