Outlanders Organization in Utumn: Age of Pharanox | World Anvil
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Before the outlanders, the kingdoms of the empire bordered their lands with simple thick stone walls. These massive projects were mend to deter the great wild beasts of Aeris from wreaking havoc across the farmlands. Sadly, it was not enough and to combat these threats Emperor Pharanox created the outlander organisation. Brave wayfarers that go beyond the walls, into the wild lands.   Over centuries of time the outlanders were tasked with more and more duties to keep the peace. In present time they act as the ultimate elite force that answers only to the emperor. They are known for their honor, bravery and undying loyalty to the people they serve.

Public Agenda

Protect and serve the people of the empire against the great threats of the empire.


The outlander academy is located in the capital of the empire and has grown to the size of a district. Many outlanders call the academy their home. Their authority allows them to temporarily claim property if they require it. For that reason they don't require assets outside of the academy.

Enable the weak to become strong.

Founding Date
Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
Wild Wardens, Bright folk, Way walkers
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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