Al'irith glyphs in Utumn: Age of Pharanox | World Anvil
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Al'irith glyphs


A hebnal scribe Al'irith is a perfectionist at heart. He adores geometry which was key in discovering the first glyph. He carved a perfect circle into a marble stone. After a few days the carvings started to faintly glow. It was trapping the Anu'laben force in these shallow, precise grooves and started to build up in power. The scribe did not understand what was happening, he did know that he was at the precipice of a discovery.     To this day he is still attempting to understand his glyphs. The past ten years have thought him much, for instance adding straight lines 90 degrees apart from each other causes the carved material to strengthen substantially. He's come to understand the their is a size limit, smaller then a thumbprint or bigger then a circle with a three pace diameter will result in no effects. Unless they are part of larger structure. Filling in the gap with a homogeneous material that is more susceptible to Laben's field, such as gold or silver, strengthens the glyph.  

Discovered Glyphs

  • Reinforcement glyph that strengthens the durability of the carved object.
  • Heat glyph generates a continues amount of heat on the object and around it.


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