Kamaria ó Conchobhair Character in Uthilith | World Anvil
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Kamaria ó Conchobhair

Kamaria ó Conchobhair (a.k.a. Mari)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kamaria is healthy, dexterous, and able-bodied.

Facial Features

Beautiful sparkling eyes, pointy ears with jewelry, pointy nose, strong jawline, freckles

Identifying Characteristics

She has a tattoo of Zisnera’s holy symbol on her upper back and a few other celestial tattoos of varying designs.

Physical quirks

Her right pinky is slightly bent (her sister shut her hand in the door of her house and it never healed right).

Apparel & Accessories

She wears several pieces of sandstone jewelry, blue/black/white/green (occasionally) linen in multiple iterations, and when participating in ritual, her ceremonial robes are light blue.

Specialized Equipment

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kamaria was born to a drow couple in CY 1178 in the seaside village of Charion. She had a relatively normal childhood (at least by elven standards) - an education that lasted from the age of 18 through around her 200th year (as she continued through the entire curriculum at the Temple of Stars and Sea). Over time, she gained practical experience in hunting, fishing, navigation, and reading celestial maps - however, this was never to the extent that she would require while adventuring.   Until her 300th year, she went to market in Fenrir with her family at the turn of every season to buy and sell wares.    After her 300th year, Kamaria gained a sense of wanderlust - thus, she explored every major town and village in the southern Occidental Kingdom of Chaelwyth. These include Charion, Fenrir, Kaljuia, Argoskardis, and Port Lydia. In each of these settlements, she's been able to ingratiate herself into aspects of their upper-echelon social scenes with little effort on her part. Kamaria regularly returns home to maintain her familial relationships and replenish supplies for travel.

Gender Identity

Considers gender to be an archaic, Human concept.




Underwent the full curriculum at the Temple of Stars and Sea, which provided her with the foundation needed to begin work as a Druid.


Currently a member of a generic merchant's guild as "she who sells seashells down by the seashore". Has plenty of opportunities available to her, but Kamaria simply doesn't enjoy labor.

Failures & Embarrassments

Broke a chalice of Aquarius at the age of 80 in the Temple of Stars and Sea and had to work for twenty-five years doing janitorial duties to pay off the debt.

Mental Trauma

Kamaria has a permanent fear of seagulls - when she was 150, she saw one that had four rows of teeth.   She's also viewed attempts at coups by the Flodfald Family to seize total control of the town of Charion, which held great violence.

Intellectual Characteristics

She participates in the Great Gem Harvest every century. Kamaria also found a passion in maintaining rock gardens (which started out as work for the Temple but morphed into something greater for her). She regularly maintains her skills with simple weapons - daggers, spears, darts - and takes pride in her ability to identify herbs.

Morality & Philosophy

Kamaria is 'morally light gray'. She doesn't understand the point of taxation. A small piece of her wants more fairness for those who feel the brunt of the oppression of the government but she won’t be the one to do anything about it.   The law is there to keep stupid people in line - and she is not stupid.

Personality Characteristics


Kamaria is a very curious individual. What makes the world tick? What makes another person tick? How can she exploit it for the gain of her or her home?

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Excellent navigator
  • Decent hunter/fisher
  • Good knife skills beyond fileting fish
  • Respecting things "as they are"

Likes & Dislikes

  • Mythology
  • Sea glass
  • Mushrooms
  • Seagulls
  • Thorny things
  • Bears

Vices & Personality flaws

Very judgy of other villages fish, hard for her to be spontaneous, not a fan of loud, contained spaces.


Well-groomed, well-kept!


Family Ties

Her younger sister Rana ó Conchobhair lives in Charion with Kamaria and their bedridden mother.

Social Aptitude

Can easily hold a conversation, though she can come off as extremely judgmental.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Writer of prose/poetry
  • Loves to cook (particularly miso soup)
  • Stargazing/charting stars
  • Watching the sunrise
  • Drying herbs & maintaining her stores

Wealth & Financial state

Variable depending on the market that season/moon. However, she has a small amount in savings in case of emergency.
True neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
Red Wolf Moon 11
Year of Birth
1178 CY 521 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Healthy - no complications
anything goes
Very dark blue, almost black
White with sparkles (reading as starlight)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gray, blushes purple
175 lbs
Zisnera, goddess of heavenly bodies
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Druidic

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