Cloud Character in Uthilith | World Anvil
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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cloud was born to the union of a Sheeple and a Satyr deep within the Spring Court in CY 1280, making him by far the youngest Archfey to ever reign as a Presiding Archfey in the Feywild. This was nearly eight centuries following Titania's curse on the first Sheeple.   In the early 1600's, Cloud came into close contact with the Unseelie Regnant known as The Erlkönig, alongside Lorelei, Naïlo, Amethyst Thessylen, and a timeline diverged Sufjan the Smart. They were tasked with stopping a feral Unicorn that was being controlled by an unseen force (who would later turn out to be a Warlock of the Erlkönig himself).   In that incident, Cloud was exposed to significant magical energy - enough to develop powers akin to an archfey. With the Druid Lorelei at his side, the two would manage to ascend the Spring Court's (nonexistent) political ladder. He effectively bargained his way into Presiding Archfey status through bartering his own rainbow feces.
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
Lone Moon 31
Year of Birth
1280 CY 419 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fluffy white wool, tinted with shades of the rainbow
Presents as 7'2"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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