Ostellenar Settlement in Urthe | World Anvil
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The largest city in the Deep Ways, capital of the Caladore Elves, and seat of power for the Cult of the Dark Lady.  It was formerly the greatest Forge City of the Deep Dwarves, Khaz-Khoredelvar, before it fell to the Caladore.   It is located beneath the surface in Southeast Esverde, at the joining of the continental plates. The Western side is beneath the Esverdian landmass, while the Eastern half is below the Great Maw Ocean.


Ostellenar is ruled by the Council of Three (House Anissea, House Jalissa, House Sonali), consisting of the largest and most influential of Caladore house Matrons. Seating on the Council is granted through martial challenges, an audit of standing (where the other two houses scrutinize the assets and potential might of the third house to assess their value to society), or through ascension via the vacation of a seat due to the death of a sitting Matron.  Despite multiple challenges, none of the original Houses have ever been unseated.

Industry & Trade

Ostellen sits atop the richest adamantine veins on Urth, and thus supplies the whole of the Caladore nation with the material required to forge they mystical weapons and armor.


None.  Ostellen is a fortress city closed to all other species.  Other Caladore may visit if given a letter of passing by a resident house.
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