Akaris Military Academy Organization in Urina | World Anvil
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Akaris Military Academy


The Akaris Military Academy was founded in 1172 AD by Duke Cervantes von Laurent after the defeat of Queen Mab at the hands of Grandmaster Talia Seteno and Captain Adonis von Leclair. The purpose of the Akaris Military Academy is to educate the next generation of Urinian nobles, merchants, and those willing to pay the tuition on how to protect the country from calamity.


Duke Laurent sought out some of the world's best war heroes upon the formation of the academy. When the second Wild Hunt ended, he reached out to the now married Captain Adonis Alighieri, Dr. Celia Hawthorne, Lord Darius Liir, and his own general during the war, General Wen Huizhong. His thought process was, "who better to teach the next generation than those who experienced war themselves?"

Coexistence under one facility

Wariness on both sides

Before the disappearance of the clan's middle daughter, Lucienne du Lapointe, the Lapointe family sunk lots of money into funding the Akaris Military Academy's many programs. However, after she disappeared, Lord Lapointe stopped sending money to the academy. The reason for this was that her professor, Lord Darius Liir, was "too irresponsible with our daughter".

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