The Orphanmaker Character in Urbûn | World Anvil
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The Orphanmaker

artist: Kadabura

Malcolm Draven (a.k.a. Black Robin)

The Orphanmaker is bloodlust and carnage incarnate, concentrated into an incoproreal form that seeks to quench all life. The creature is suffused with negative energy, and its mere passage through the world leaves nearby plants blackened and withered. Animals flee from its presence. Even small fires can be extingished by the sucking oblivion of The Orphanmakers horrifying existence, as the temperatuer drops to a chinlling cold. The Orphanmaker is the soul of a once-living human, bound to a location, creature, or object from its life. Blazing flames and mad, echoing laughter surround an undead murderer. This disembodied spirit blasts foes with rays of negative energy from its eyes and dreadful spells called up from the dark recesses of its twisted mind. Malcolm Draven was more beast than man, and all of Mekrad was his hunting ground.  Most serial killers keep trophies of their victims, not Malcolm Draven, he ate his victims. Rampaging through the land, he claimed the lives of 73 innocent people. men,women and children alike. He was finally caught in his slaughterhouse. He was hanged thirteen days later, left in a cage for the crows to feast on. His body was hidden somewhere in the mountains. His last words where « if you kill me now i shall become more powerful than you could ever imagine!, and i WILL come for you!»

Mental characteristics


worked for Salvador Bronson  in three difrent periods, pre lichdom, mid lich dom and now.

Accomplishments & Achievements

gaining ful controll over the body of Victarion Percival Balderic Goldfyre, ad using it to great effect to spy on the party.

Failures & Embarrassments

getting caught and hanged in liffe

Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics

mad genius, carefullly and strategic slaughter or un hinged carnage, he has no preference.

Personality Characteristics


none, the faint scent  of bood surounds him at all times
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Orphanmaker
Circumstances of Death
long black sleek
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
1.7 m
54 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"HUNGRY!"," Now thats a mouthful."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
abbysal, common, infernal, draconic,