Gimnir Hammerbeard Character in Urban Arcana | World Anvil

Gimnir Hammerbeard

Gimnir Hammerbeard

Physical Description

Special abilities

Animal handling +6, Insight +6, Intimidation +6, Nature +7, Survival +6. History is not really a special ability of his, but he is a rare person who has lived through some interesting historical times. As such, he holds a wealth of knowledge regarding the history of Seattle from his personal perspective.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gimnir was pulled through a rift 98 years ago. He has seen much within the Mundane world during that time. When he arrived in the Mundane world in 2048, it was a couple years prior to Draco Industries taking control of Seattle. That time was filled with chaos as the era of democracy was crumbling and the USA's government was falling. He arrived in the Mundane world in time to see the end of the civil war and the full collapse of the United States. In the following that time, he witnessed anarchy and general suffering as the communities struggled without leadership.  
When I came to this world, there was nothing but chaos all around me. People were dying from everything: no food, no water, diseases; just everything.
  Having spent about half his lifetime here in the Mundane world, he is no longer sure which world to call his home. He is certain that his memories of this world are more solid and seem more real. Yet, he cannot shake the enduring loyalty he feels to the clan that he left behind. He has memories of his wife and his children that are still there within the Shadow. And he can recall the mighty forge beneath the mountain that he spent many hours working at. But it is here that he fought to help small communities survive in a time when the infrastructure no longer functioned. And it was here that he witnessed the people of Seattle rise from the ashes and rebuild their community once Draco established itself as the new ruling power. He cannot help but also feel a sense of pride and loyalty to the people here in this Mundane place.  
I will forever be a man of two worlds.
  When the Draco Family declared themselves the rulers of the city, he aligned himself with them in an effort to help bring order and structure to the city. When he first joined Draco Industries he worked in their military as a soldier. He helped bring peace and order to the city by helping Draco Industries take control. After they took control of the city, the transitioned into the Military Police. He believed that it was important to maintain what they had created and that the first few years were tenuous.  
Brice Draco may not have been the best man, but he was what the city needed at the time. Someone who would create order and rebuild from the chaos.
  He did not reveal his true nature to them until much later when they became aware of the Shadow Rifts that were opening within their city. When Arnaud Draco created the Shadow Investigations Unit he transferred into that unit. It was to Charles Flydwight that Gimnir revealed that he was a Dwarf. With this revelation, it became clear that there was a need to recruit other Shadow Kind in order to garner a better understanding of the Shadow Realm. He worked with the Research Department for several months to help them document everything that he could recall about the Shadow Realm. Once that was completed, they assessed his skill set and determined that he was suited to work as a Acquisitions Agent.   He found that he enjoyed the work. It was quiet and peaceful to be working in an environment that no longer required him to fight. He loved that it was still a job that was founded upon order and organization. He thrived in the new environment.

Gender Identity





He was formally trained as a black smith in the Shadow Realm.


Thursday, July 21, 2050 He became a Draco Industries soldier. He worked as a soldier until Thursday, December 8, 2050 when the Military police were established. He was amongst the first of the soldiers to transfer into the police unit. He worked as a police officer until he was transferred to the Shadow Investigations Unit Friday, February 3, 2136. Again, he was amongst the first to transfer into the newly created unit. He started in that unit as an Acquisitions Agent. On Tuesday, April 28, 2144 he was promoted to Acquisitions Manager. He has been doing that job for about 2 years and takes great pride in doing his job well.

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of the proudest moments in his life was when he was given his blacksmith's hammer. Earning the rank of being an independent blacksmith had been his life goal when he was living in the Shadow Realm.   In order to keep the important art of blacksmithing alive in this Mundane World, Gimnir founded a group called The Hammer Keepers. It is a group of modern blacksmiths. The majority of these blacksmiths are also Shadow Kind Dwarves, but there are those that are of other races and those that are Mundane born. All are aware of the Shadow Realm and all have a love for the art of metal working.    In the Mundane world, he found that he was equally proud when he was promoted to Acquisitions Manager. It meant that he had fully established himself within this strange world. He had finally found the place he belonged here.

Failures & Embarrassments

He was never able to produce a master work piece for the Dwarven king. Now, it seems he never will. This is his greatest regret and his biggest failure. He wishes that he had not taken time for granted.

Mental Trauma

He frequently wonders what his wife and children are doing in the Shadow Realm. Have they given him up for dead? Have they moved on with their lives and found new happiness without him? He hoped that they had. Yet, the idea also made him a little sad. He fears that they believe he simply chose to leave them.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • He has lost so many friends and he is slow to make new ones.
  • He could stare down a hell hound without flinching.
  • He has little respect for anyone who is not a proven warrior. 

Morality & Philosophy

  • It's about the greater good. Our lot is to lay down our lives in the defense of others. (good)
  • He would lay his life down for those he serves with. 
  • His honor is his life.


  • No matter what, the young and the old are protected. They are the most vulnerable and important people in our communities.
  • Injustice - unfair or unjust treatment of somebody, or an instance of this

Personality Characteristics


When he arrived in the Mundane world during the beginning of the Era of Anarchy. He was compelled to help those that he could. He joined with Draco Industries as he saw them as agents of order and structure that the city desperately needed.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Beer
  • peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
  • Anime
  • Order


  • Disorganization
  • Holes in his socks
  • Fish

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Resilience - the positive ability to adapt, to rebound, to cope with catastrophic failure or obstacles
  • Conscientiousness - the trait of being painstaking and careful
  • Justice - using right or fair judgment, especially involved in the determination of rights and the assignment of rewards and punishments

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Crankiness - disagreeable and easily irritated or annoyed
  • Obsessive - a particular action or thing occupies one’s thoughts constantly and exclusively; worrying compulsively about something or things generally
  • Melancholic - feeling or tending to feel a thoughtful or gentle sadness



He has been working as the Acquisitions Manager for about 2 years now. In that time he has gained the reputation for being ill tempered with the Investigation Agents. He has also become known for being very good at what he does. Many that work for him have labeled him OCD.

Family Ties

He left all of his family behind in the Shadow Realm and has no desire to create another one to loose.

Religious Views

If there are Gods, they are fickle and hateful creatures.

Hobbies & Pets

He has a pet badger, Feisty.


He is too loud and swears too much by most social standards.


Gimnir Hammerbeard

Ally (Important)

Towards Deld Toothbreaker



Deld Toothbreaker

Ally (Important)

Towards Gimnir Hammerbeard



Clarissa Bush

Friend (Important)

Towards Gimnir Hammerbeard



Gimnir Hammerbeard

Friend (Important)

Towards Clarissa Bush




They went on a few dates together. But it didn't take Clarissa long to figure out that Gimnir isn't looking for a romantic relationship. So, she's left the relationship as being friends even though she wishes it could be something more.

Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Acquisitions Manager
Shadow Realm
Current Residence
Department 7 Housing
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English, Dwarven, Common


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