15. Who's Drink? in Urban Arcana | World Anvil

15. Who's Drink?

This diamond shaped room has a raised square platform at the center with steps leading up to it and pillars at each corner. There is a door at the northern, western and southern corners. On the floor of the platform, someone has written a message. There is a chalk board with a piece of chalk tied to a string on the northern door.
  The message:  
An elf, a dwarf, a human and an orc enter a tavern and all take separate seats. Two take seats a different tables, where they feel like they'll have cover. One patron takes a round table but the human takes a square table. The elf and one other patron don't sit at tables, because they don't want their movement restricted. The two not at tables are seated on a three-legged stool and a wobbly bench. The dwarf sits last, after looking around, and doesn't sit at either the round table or the wobbly bench. The barmaid, looking a little nervous, takes their orders. The patron on the wobbly bench orders the mead. The man at the square table doesn't order the ale. The dwarf doesn't want the ale or wine. The barmaid heads up to the bar to get the drinks and after a short while she returns. She brings the orc ale, delivers the dwarf mead, hands the human beer and offers the elf some wine. Which patron got the right drink?
  Answer: The Orc   Once the correct answer is written on the chalk board, the three doors crumble away to sand. If an incorrect answer is written on the chalk board, the doors still crumble, but the chest in the northern nook is not present.  
Written on the top of the chest is "select a single item as your reward." Inside the chest there is a necklace, a stuffed toy and a deck of cards.
  The chest contains: Amulet of the Drunkard, Cuddly Strixhaven Mascot and Broken Deck of Illusions   There is nothing stopping the party from taking all 3 items. However, if they select and take only one as instructed, they will receive one point with the Eladrin. Keep track of the party's score as they go along. At the completion of each challenge, their score will be announced by the ringing of a bell for each point they have earned.
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Room 15 Rewards


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