Master Calvern Dirk-Quaesti Character in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Master Calvern Dirk-Quaesti

Master Calvern Dirk-Quaesti is young and fit, handsome with black hair and bright expressive eyes that present as soulful and kind. Dirk-Barringham is known for always being well-dressed and proudly displays the insignia of his new station.   A recently-appointed Master of The Take, Dirk-Quaesti was quick to recognize the ruthless efficiency of the "firefighting" techniques pioneered by Master Bernice Frang-Quaesti, and urge The Take to adopt them as official policy. Thanks to his influence, a variety of competing "firefighting" brigades and insurance companies have arisen in Ur. It is not uncommon, as a result, for competing firefighting brigades to arrive at the scene of a fire, offering to either put out the fire, or purchase the property for an ever-reducing price, or both. Calvern Dirk-Quaesti, having been granted significant resources by their recent promotion to Master, now seeks the next opportunity for profit.
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