Elementor Species in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Sphere: Global   Elementors are a single species of humanoids that exhibit traits based on the five elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Void - and their combinations - Ice, Ooze, Magma, Smoke, Lightning, Steam, Gem and Light.   They are thought to have originated as natives of the Mælstric Sleeper worlds - Nebula (smoke), Lumen (light) and Pulvis (earth) - it is unknown where the water trait came from which cannot found among those three subspecies.

Basic Information


All Elementors follow the basic humanoid form with very similar features to Humans, except for their elemental traits.

Biological Traits

  • Earth: Grey skin, sharp featured, hairless; tough; slow of wit, but deep of thought; stubborn, loyal and resistant to change.
  • Water: Light blue skin, bulky frame; quick to make friends and surprisingly agile; find change easy, but that can make them unreliable.
  • Fire: Red, orange and/or yellow skin, frizzy haired; strong; fierce temper, driven and passionate.
  • Air: Almost translucent skin, slim frame, whispy hair; fast of hand and mind; mercurial temperament, quick to judge, quick to change their mind.
  • Void: Dark skinned, light haired; intelligent and creative; very considered but can easily come across as arrogant.
These traits, however, as only 'average'; a single Elementor can exhibit as wide a range of capabilities and personalities as any other sentient. A good deal of the elemental traits could be social, as the stereotype is usually seen as aspirational among the elementors.

Genetics and Reproduction

Elemental traits are heritable, most Elementors express a single element, from their parents, but they can also combine multiple elements if their parents are not of the same type: Ice (air/water), Ooze (water/earth), Magma (fire/earth), Smoke (fire/air), Lightning (air/void), Steam (water/void), Gem (earth/void), Light (fire/void)   Couples of diametrically opposed elements cannot concieve.
70 years
Average Height
Average Weight

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