35 year Lock Military Conflict in Universe 13 | World Anvil

35 year Lock

Back in back in 1800 when Umbra was just finally an organization. One of the first major Artifacts we had in our possession was a Tome of Dax. Which was originally guarded over by the templars. but was brought to the new world and Umbra became in charge of it. Along with other artifacts that former templars and other organizations have brought to the new world. so we made some arrangements in agreement with the templars to keep it protected and guarded. The tome of Dax has some interesting knowledge maybe it was advanced tech or magical theories we don't know. because during the time when we were securing it and a few other unknown items. A group in red plate mail attacked us. They hurt and killed several of our members and took the artifacts.    so of course we assumed it was the templars who broke their treaty of was started a great battle. or more to the fact the great artifact hunt. each group now that in the shadows were trying to hunt down as many powerful in devices and creatures you can feel the tension building up back then. in 1835. there was a discovery report that the templars we're moving in on New York City. going an Artifact we were looking for started the great fire. the area of the report. the templates are already there but this time we were prepared for a fight. Bell was long and hard. then the next second a loud squawk. bursting out of a building in flames firebird. two sets of cars drive passively with this OK that launcher try to fire at the bird but it flies straight into a dimensional rift. that's when we realize for the last 35 years someone's been given us the slip someone is kept us at each other throats. we decided to have a meet and greet with the templars passing over the last 35 years what information we would give. both of us had no problems they already tell about each other to a point. at least one is that seems a little odd now. no other group and we have named them the lock. he seemed to be gathering stuff and collecting who knows what I'm locking it away keeping out of everyone's reach taking no claim for their own no this yet doesn't seem like they even have a gender in politics at least we can tell. we come across them from time to time but nothing substantial a whisper here citing their they always seem to be out of our reach.

The Conflict


It made the shadow world a race. where movie group was trying to collect artifact creatures anything everything from the rife. It made the bigger groups not trust each other more then normal.


Start discover of a new group out there doing God knows what For God knows who. bad blood between the templars and Umbra but new alliances and formed agreements
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)