The webbed thicket Geographic Location in Undinia | World Anvil
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The webbed thicket

A dense patch of the Dread Forest around 4km² in a rough circle, the webbed thicket is home to the spiders of the forest. Easy to spot due to the huge cobwebs that cover the area, many call it the white wood, jokingly of course.  


Though the exact appearance of the webbed thicket isn't known, it is however noticeably absent from Phervian maps of the area. Rivell believes this is because the Phervians didn't explore the area and The webbed thicket is actually the nest of Lilsea. The majority of schoolers of Sepa Acadamy think spiders migrated to the area during the revolts while others think they were moved there on purpose. The Elves of Q'Thurlas are one of the few groups that would know the truth, but they don't reveal their secrets lightly.  


A mixture of dense vegetation and webbing makes the thicket difficult to traverse, though it thins out quickly once you leave the area. This also has a habit of trapping water, leaving shallow pools all over the area. The area is near permanently dark, only getting an hour or two of sunlight a day. In the center, depending on who you listen to, is either a cave or temple that is the central nest of the spiders and their queen.  

Fauna and Flora

The area is covered in twisted trees, vines, and purple flowers. Many plants that enjoy dark, wet conditions grow here.   Other than the spiders, other animals that can deal with webs live in the area. Several dark feathered small birds, as well as a type of small, slender monkey, live in the tree tops. A few other creatures do venture in but most end up as pray for the spiders.
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