Serpent Watch Settlement in Undinia | World Anvil
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Serpent Watch

One of the larger forts on the Dread Wall, Serpent Watch is the modern name, given due to the small Naga Hamlet on the coast, its actual name is only known to the Wraiths of the wall. Made up of several sections, the entire military fortification is under the command of Captain Zethuv, Zegash's soul-sword.   The Naga hamlet was founded in the early Rebel Age, allowing for goods to be transported through the wall up to Wraith Guard, and later High Guard as a whole.  


Made up of the Dread Wall, Upper Castle, Lower Castle, and the Naga Hamlet, Serpent Watch seems to have many more working parts than it actually does.  

Upper Castle

A Large fortress was built atop the Dread Wall, a gatehouse giving access to either side of the Dread Wall, with postern leading to the front rampart. The bottom floor is a series of corridors and small portcullis leading to each part of the fortification, a wide central corridor acts as the road through. In each corner of the castle stands a large tower with Eldritch launchers on them. A drawbridge to the east leads to a tower from the lower castle to the first floor, with a second bridge from the top of the tower to the second.   The Central keep has everything needed to run a castle, with the second floor being a barracks and armory, with murder holes leading to various areas of the below floor, and the third floor being the captain's quarters, upper storerooms, and war room.  

Lower Castle

The lower castle is a ruin, with ruined walls, broken towers, and a gatehouse. The only part still functioning is the lift tower that acts as a lift up to the main wall, and the crypt at the south of the tower.   A newer curtain wall extends from the dread wall to the coast, offering protection to the supplies heading north, though this is only ever manned by a minimal force.  

Naga Hamlet

situated in the water just off the coast stands a small group of houses. These are home to the Naga in the area, who act as support for trade ships and caravans heading to the Dread Wall and north. A single pier dock stands on the shore, though it is big enough to receive a barge. An inn stands next to it in the water, offering rest for the travelers.
Trade post


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