Whip of Frozen Denial Item in Under the Twilight of Forgotten Sins | World Anvil
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Whip of Frozen Denial

This silvery whip is covered in frost and leaves a trail of frozen mist as it slashes through the air. This is a mythic weapon. It conforms to a +3 vorpal whip (+3 to hit, +3 damage) which deals lethal damage upon a hit and also deals +2d6 nonlethal frostbite damage as per the spell. Armor bonuses or natural armor bonuses do not negate its effects. It confers a +5 to grapple attempts if the wielder is so skilled.   The true ability of the whip in the hands of a master is its ability to lash out at anyone trying to use an ability to teleport or dimension door in or out of its area of effect (15’ range.) The whip actually operates on its own independent of the wielder, lashing out as its own opportunity of attack. It can do this three times a round on its own. The whip has a BAB of +10 for this attack. However, if the wielder uses an AoO for this, then the attacker can substitute their full attack bonus. All combat maneuvers by the whip still cause the 2d6 frost damage.   If someone is teleporting in, it makes a single attack as a trip attack as they are materializing. It gets a +5 on this attempt.   If someone is teleporting out or dimension dooring out, it makes a single attack as a grapple attack. If successful, it keeps the target from dematerializing and deals an additional 4d6 damage from the stress on their bodies. Additionally, they must make a fort save with a DC equal to double the total damage taken or be prone.   If someone is dimension dooring in, it makes a single attack as a grapple and attempts to pull them through prematurely. The opponent gets a reflex save to avoid getting pulled through with a DC equal to the CMB of the attack. If the CMB is greater than 10, the opponent makes it though the dimension door with no ill effect. On a failed check, the opponent is grappled and pulled through the door, suffering 4d6 damage. A fort save is then required with a DC equal to double the total damage taken or be prone.


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