The First Age - The Age of Inception (Age of Spell Inception) in Under the Twilight of Forgotten Sins | World Anvil
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The First Age - The Age of Inception (Age of Spell Inception)

PE = Pyrideon Era - Years before Coalescence Counting Forward from the Birth of Pyrideon.
BC = Before Coalescence - Years before Coalescence Counting Backwards from year Zero.
AC = AFter Coalescence - Years After Coalescence Counting Forward from year Zero.

Pyrideon Fully Operational

Year 1 PE (Pyrideon Era), Year 7428 BC(Before Coalescence)

The renegade scientists have been secretly working on a project for the last few decades to build a new home in the Vortex.   The artificial planet sphere of Pyrideon is finally fully operational and ready. It is placed in a stable orbit around the larger vegetation heavy planet of Vrask.   Once it is ready to go, the entire population of Myinta is instantly transported to their new home. Many choose to not give up their overall interconnectedness with their greater consciousness and AI, so they end up residing in the first habitation at the top of the world called A-Rynth. These scientists take on the name of Elders and set themselves as the caretakers.   In an act of acknowledged cruelty, those who were ignorant of the renegade's plan or were against it were separated from a large part of their AI consciousness and placed on the surface in a 2nd habitation called B-Rynth. While they still had much of their cybernetic implants, they were limited in travel and overall technology. Many on both sides consider this devolution to be comparable murder and for the next several decades, it will be a hotly debated political and civil issue. It is the descendants of these people stranded in B-Rynth who will eventually populate all of Pyrideon.   And finally, the entire solar system where Myinta existed is obliterated after the move in hopes that the Thrage will not be able to learn the technology of instantaneous travel. It is also hoped that this will successfully cover their tracks so the Thrage will not be looking for them.  

The Thrage Uncover the Ruse of Myinta

Year 37 PE, Year 7392 BC

The Thrage have figured out the events as they occurred on Myinta. Upon doing so, not so much out of retribution but more out of a need to have complete mastery of the universe, the Thrage send 3 ships to the Vortex. Each ship is the size of a small building yet powerful enough to destroy whole solar systems if needed.   Even with their FTL drives, the time to reach the Vortex due to its extreme distance will be thousands of years.   The Elders of Pyrideon kept enough resources within the Thrage Regime to alert them should this happen. Knowing that they have limited, the Elders start planning a defense. With enough time, if they can master the new science of the Vortex, they believe they might be able to not only defend against but completely eradicate the Thrage threat.   It is understood that should the Thrage not be stopped, they themselves will be responsible for adding the power and understanding of the Vortex to the Thrage's arsenal of attributes. Any solution will need to be permanent from the first encounter, else the Thrage will eventually prevail.  

A-Rynth is Fully Operational

Year 43 PE, Year 7386 BC

A-Rynth is now fully operational.   The Elders create 13 world computers which are set to operate and control the day to day operations of the world. The mandate of the world computers is to discern and figure out this new form of reality controlling physics which is being referred to as Magic Actual. Each computer is part of a check and balance against the other computers, thereby ensuring that they remain true to their cause of bettering mankind. By now, the term ‘magic’ is commonly used to describe this phenomenon.   To an individual, the Elders give up a lot of their highest functions in a bid to return to more normalcy that they remembered from millennia before. While this is actually a gradual process, as they give up more and more they find their quality of life gets better. The ability to enjoy life and experiences resides somewhat in uncertainty, the ability to forget, and an inability to process everything at once. While some question that there might be an external influence creating this need to devolve, none is ever found so the process continues. Others view this process as a type of rejuvenation brought on by the presence of magic.  

B-Rynth is Founded as a City

Year 61 PE, Year 7368 BC

The settlers of the land, now accustomed to living a more spartan existence band together in the first large settlement landside on Pyrideon. Several Elders from A-Rynth migrate to B-Rynth with only a few hundred elders deciding to stay behind in A-Rynth. Over the next several centuries Rynths C through J are founded.   Gradually the Rynths take on the names they still carry. A-Rynth becomes Arynthia, B-Rynth becomes Brynthia and so on all the way to Jrynthia.   Despite living a simpler life, many of the conveniences of technology like an unlimited power supply for basic needs still remain. Each Rynth contains a servant AI dedicated the betterment of its citizens.  

World Gates established with Gashmyr

Year 102 PE, Year 7327 BC

Gashmyr (a crossroad city of the multiverse) is now accessible from Brynthia via two World Gates. The first to cross were explorers from Gashmyr looking for new worlds. Once they arrive, they show the Brynthians how to make the world gates.   The inhabitants of Pyrideon discover that other planes of existence are no longer hypothetical, but also discover that these planes are accessible. In doing so, the inhabitants of Pyrideon discover that they are far from alone in the multiverse. It is through the portals that some of the major races come to live on Pyrideon like elves and dwarves. The rest comes from the genetic creativity of the Elders, altered to better survive particular environments. Those primarily being the halflings and the orcs.   Note: Orcs originally were a considerably different race than what is commonly seen today, they were of human stock created to have a mutable genome that could modify itself during the lifetime of the individual to better suit the needs of the environment. Orcs would eventually stabilize in the form they are today, however early on the goblinoid races split from the main orc branch and now there are thousands of goblin variants now. While halflings and most goblinoids can no longer procreate with humans, this is why orcs are able to do so.  

Arrival of Jecofer Galechrome

Year 108 PE, Year 7321 BC

King Jecofer Galechrome leads several thousand of his elven subjects through the gates. They are fleeing a ravaged world where magic has destroyed the environment and caused massive desertification.   Seeking a new way of life, the head south to the great forests south of Brynthia.   These elves are extremely long-lived and have eidetic memories.   While they can master the common tongues of man in mere days, the language of the elves is nearly impossible to learn as it contains millions of distinct words, is highly tonal in nature, and has several grammar rules which contradict human standards.  

Arrival of the Cozar Refugees

Year 112-119 PE, Year 7317-7310 BC

A subrace of elves known as the Cozar start arriving from Gashmyr.   Their world was ravaged by an invading race, forcing most to flee. Many had relocated to Gashmyr over the centuries, however due to their unique physiology, they could not prosper. Before this time, a few had crossed over to Brynthia and found the double yellow suns at the center of the system more than adequate to meet their nutritional needs.   Almost the entire population of nearly 40,000 Cozar arrive in Byrnthia during this time. As a population, they don’t stay long and quickly migrate south where they lose all contact with Brynthia. The unique physiology of the Cozar elf is their dark blue skin and red hair. The blue skin pigment contains a photo-chemical similar to chlorophyll which allows them to receive partial sustenance from photosynthesis. While they are elven, they are distant relatives of the elves which came through with King Galecrome and possesses neither the extremely long lifespan nor the eidetic memory.  

Emergence of the First Human Spellcaster

Year 125 PE, Year 7304 BC

Laguras is the first known human to master any of the spells brought by the elves. He will go on to eventually master the ability to cast over twenty different spells, though he must study hard and can only retain the memory to cast about eight at any given time. He likens learning and mastering a spell to learning a new language.  

Gallus the Prophet Arrives in Brynthia

Year 128 PE, Year 7301 BC

Gallus claims to be a powerful godling who has been disposed of by his kindred. He came to Brynthia believing his power base could be restored, however his ability to channel faith and belief and convert that into power will not manifest in this new world.   Bounty hunters arrive from Gashmyr forcing him to flee into the wilderness. They confirm his story that he was a godling of some power before crossing over.  

Armed Civil Unrest in Brynthia

Year 134 PE, Year 7295 BC

With the aid of several visiting races, a human who has mastered rudimentary magical craft leads a revolt with the goal of taking control of the Rynth’s AI and then using it to once again reconnect with his greater consciousness. This revolt had been brewing since their arrival in Vortex and many of its constituents are the originals from Myinta who were separated by force from many of their higher functions.   The result is that nearly 80% of the population of Brynthia is wiped out. Many who survive flee to the wilds of Pyrideon.   The revolt is finally put down with most of the leaders killed in action.  

Half-Elves become the Fad

Year 175-250 PE, Year 7254-7179 BC

For reasons unknown, elves and humans can breed to create viable off-spring. Many single female humans seek out elves with which to procreate, hoping for a mixed child. Bands of male elves travel around selling their services.   This occurs primarily in Grynthia and Hryinthia, though in later years the fad takes hold in Brynthia also. While elves tend to frown upon those of mixed parentage, humans consider them special and consider it a status of privilege to have a half-elven child. It becomes common for even married couples to seek the services of a male elf (or the occasional female elf) just so that one of their children is half-elven.   By around the year 250, the trend turns and many half-elves start finding they are shunned by society and will actively begin hiding their ancestry. Small villages of half-elves start forming around the 8 great cities.

Occurrence of the first Magical Plague

Year 202 PE, Year 7227 BC

Many who fled the civil war in Brynthia head south. These lands will later become the Southern Kingdoms.   No one knows where the plague known as Derichio Fever hales from, though it is believed to have been carried from Gashmyr. The first cases appear in the south lands, then spread to Brynthia before spreading over the next decade to several other Rynth cities.   The fever affects only human spell casters. Elves and dwarves appear to be immune. While no cure is ever found, a small percentage of those afflicted recover. Over the next several generations, the effects of the Fever seem to lessen then disappear altogether.  

World Gates are Closed

Year 290 PE, Year 7139 BC

The world computers believe they have discovered the true source of the Vortex. They determine that the Vortex was self-creating dating back over half a million years to the old earth. At the same time, the world computers detect a threat to the Vortex if it stays connected to other worlds. Both portals in Brynthia are shut down. This is believed to be a temporary necessity and that the gates can be reopened periodically in centuries to come.   This universe is severed from all ties to the multiverse. Visiting species are now stranded on either side of the gates.  

An Effort to fully understand the Mechanics of Magic Begins

Year 305 PE, Year 7124 BC

The world computers are still having difficulty determining the properties of magic as it appears to take some form of a biological component to even harness the energies. Some of the races which have come through the portals from Gashmyr like the elves seem to have an innate power to use magic without understanding its underlying mechanics.   As the elves start teaching humans, the humans show a knack for magic use. However, their experimentation is haphazard at best and sometimes produces disastrous results.   The world computers come to a new decision. With the need to understand magic and their inability to utilize this force, they must rely on mankind to formulate some of the basic laws. With the exception of Arynthia, all the other Rynth cities computers are directed to slowly devolve the technology level of their inhabitants.   The goal is to eventually create an advanced society whose technology is built entirely on magic use and is not dependent on technology beyond the level of basic electricity. Once done, then the societies will be merged, if time permits before the arrival of the Thrage.  

Zaracles crafts his First Spell

Year 310 PE, Year 7119 BC

Spellcrafter Zaracles announces he has created the first spell from just the primary elements of magic rather than modifying an existing spell.   Upon presenting it to several societies devoted to the study of magic, they declare that it is indeed the first known spell to be invented. His spell causes all the words in a manuscript to be converted permanently to a different language. Even the elves have no memory of anyone inventing a completely new spell.  

Thoridon Railway Finished

Year 327 PE, Year 7102 BC

The double track railway between Brynthia and Drynthia is completed allowing two-day travel between the cities.   The train is steam powered.  

Divination Magic Discovered

Year 388 PE, Year 7041 BC

For the first time, magic which can somewhat divine the future is discovered. While other forms of detection magic already exist and have been classified sometimes as conjuration or enchantment magic, most will now declare that Divination is a new school of magic.   For decades to follow, holdouts will classify this new type of divination magic as time magic and leave the detection type spells as they had previously classified them in the enchantment or conjuration categories.  

Firearms are Banned

Year 461 PE, Year 6968 BC

The plan for reducing technological dependence is working. As technologies are removed, it only takes a few years for a magical equivalent to begin to take its place. However, firearms are too effective and no alternate really occurs until the World Computers enforce a mandate banning on Fire Arms. Within a few decades, battle magic starts to more than compensate.   The ban is enforced by the use of nanite sniffers which seek out explosives. Upon finding any quantity, the nanites then detonate the explosive and thus render the use of explosives like gunpowder too dangerous to utilize.   Once the need to continue the ban disappears, the ban persists as there is now no reason to reverse the policy.  

The Last reported case of Derichio Fever Occurs

Year 490 PE, Year 6939 BC

A human by the name of Alabain is the last known carrier of the Fever. He survives by permanently transforming himself into a gnome. It is believed that the virus has been subtlety changing humans over the last few centuries to make them more capable of magic use.  

Crynthia becomes Zenophoic

Year 505-528 PE, Year 6924-6901 BC

Crynthia, which had largely remained human, starts seeing a movement to be human only.   What starts as public shaming eventually becomes hostile as all non-humans are driven from the city. In the year 528 PE a decree is passed that only verifiable humans are allowed past the city gates. In the surrounding towns and villages, the law states that no non-human can permanently dwell.

Necromatic Magics Appear

Year 525 PE, Year 6904 BC

  A small cabal of wizards trying to effect healing magic with experimentation on corpses create the first known reanimated being in the form of a ghoul. Deemed a worst case, some of them eventually master the methods of creating simple zombies and from there basic skeletons.  

War between Erynthia and Grynthia

Year 554-562 PE, Year 6875-6867 BC

  The first major land war between cities occurs. What starts as a trade war turns into a war attempting to isolate each other from vital resources.   The most storied battle of the war is the War of Grais Valley which lasted over four days. Erynthian forces numbered nearly 200,000 arrayed against nearly 90,000 defending troops from Grynthia. While the aggressors prove victorious, the Grynthian army gives a good accounting killing two for nearly every loss it takes.   Drynthia lies at the center of the dispute as most trade routes from both cities eventually reach it (the three cities lie in a rough triangle.) Drynthian delegates make several efforts to restore the peace while making sure that Drynthia does not get dragged into the actual conflict.

Erynthia is Destroyed

Year 562 PE, Year 6867 BC

  Erynthia is completely destroyed by a nuclear device of a level which not only destroys the city but destroys everything within about 150 miles. Everyone is alarmed. Many land side are unaware of anything that can cause this level of destruction, while the inhabitants of Arynthia along with the world computers who monitor all world activities are caught off guard, believing all such technologies have been removed from Pyrideon several centuries earlier.   The world computers begin searching for who is responsible while also searching for other such weapons of war. Nothing is ever found. The city AI for Grynthia is deactivated while the investigation ensues.  

Grynthia is Isolated

Year 562 PE, Year 6867 BC

The remaining seven great cities formally isolate Grynthia and refuse any direct trade. Being land locked and the middle of a large expanse of woodlands, Grynthia suffers but learns to be self-sufficient. Eventually, roads to and from Grynthia become overgrown from disuse.   The only trade Grynthia has is with the Southern Kingdoms.  

Undead Attack Grynthia

Year 582-584 PE, Year 6847-6845 BC

A large army of undead descends from the Kestrel mountains and starts ravaging the lands around Grynthia.   Grynthia sends out requests for help to the other Rynth cities, however with the destruction of Erynthia freshly in their minds, none heed the call until it is too late. Within two years, Grynthia succumbs completely and becomes a city-state of the undead.  

Grynthia wages war on Drynthia

Year 587 PE, year 6842 BC

A large undead force of nearly 1 million march on Drynthia. Drynthia sends out a plea for help, and this time it is answered.  

Coalition of Rynths

Year 587-597 PE, Year 6842-6832 BC

Brynthia and Crynthia form a coalition to aid their neighbor, Drynthia, and ward off the threat of undead. (Frynthia and Hrynthia are too far away, lying on the far side of the Kestrel Mountains.) Taking nearly three years, the hoard of undead is beaten back. After the initial tide is turned, it is firmly believed that the undead will return if not completely wiped out. Massing a large army, the Rynth Coalition Army descends upon Grynthia and completely removes the stain of undeath from the city. Several elven and half-elven villages which had been barely surviving at the outskirts of the great forest surrounding Grynthia join in the battle.   The remains of Grynthia is a barren city devoid of all life.    

The First Nation Forms

Year 605 PE, Year 6824 BC

The Coalition of Rynths forms into the first nation. Brynthia is elected as the capital, with Crynthia and Drynthia remaining largely autonomous. The initial plan is to have a rotating capital that would move city to city every 10 years. However this never happens after the first ten-year mark passes. The nation is called Rynthar and is largely concerned with protecting the trade routes, roads, and multiple smaller cities, towns, and villages which lie between the three great Rynth cities.  

Kestrel Mountains become too Dangerous

Year 610-625 PE, Year 6819-6804 BC

Threats like the undead army become more and more common in the Kestrel mountains. Eventually, overland travel becomes impossible causing the only safe roads through the mountains to be through the passages the dwarves have created. Large trade tunnels begin forming and soon become the only way for the outer two Rynth cities of Frynthia and Hyrinthia to communicate with their sister cities.   While the dwarves number only about a quarter of a million, the large tunnels they build and respective rest areas they build up for travelers are truly impressive. Underground cities start forming along these trade routes.   During this time, several goblinoid races and orcs start taking up habitation in the Mountains and start forming various warlike societies.  

Rynth Transport Net Established

Year 612 PE, Year 6817 BC

Several of the Rnyth cities establish government-owned transport gates to ease travel and trade with the other cities. Each gate allows for instantaneous travel. A complete network is completed with the main headquarters located in Brynthia.

Galechrome is Founded

Year 615-628 PE, Year 6814-6801 BC

The ruins of Grynthia become an inviting place for several of the growing elf societies to meet and gather. As the dead city lies on a promontory raising above the nearby land several hundred feet, it is an easy landmark to find. King Galecrhome has his first palace built here.   Eventually, several of the half-elf villages move to Grynthia and make a permanent home there. The elves, now much more accepting of their half-elf brethren, allow them to integrate back into society. Following the example of the humans and believing they need to have a central point from which to interact with the rest of the world, they rename Grynthia as Galecrome and name it as the capital city of the Elven Nation.   Galechrome, the most charismatic of elven chiefs and already titled as King to his people, takes on the title of Emperor of all elves in name only and is only a representative figurehead for dealing with the other races.

Galechrome is added to the Transport Net

Year 634 PE, Year 6793 BC

Galechrome opens two world gates, one at the palace and one at the harbor connecting it to Brynthia, Drynthia, and Hrynthia. The cost of transport is still prohibitive except to the most wealthy and valuable goods.

Expedition to the Southern Kingdoms

Year 638-642 PE, Year 6791-6787 BC

With trade routes once again strongly established with Galecrome, two merchant brothers by the name of Descrulty and Vidarc lead an expedition of over 200 members in a bid to attempt creating new relations with the Southern Kingdoms.   Upon arrival, they find that there are over 80 kingdoms present existing in various degrees of war and alliance with no single kingdom clearly the dominant kingdom. Most of these kingdoms are diverse in population, consisting mostly of humans, surface dwarves, gnomes, and halfling. Virtually unknown in Rynthar and Galechrome, slavery is rampant in the Southern Kingdoms.   The brothers hear of another kingdom ruled by blue-skinned nobility even further south past the desert lands. Believing them to be the lost Cozar elves, they start a second leg of their expedition south in 626 to find out.   No record of the expedition exists after it’s departure.

Trade Shut Down through the Kestrel Mountains

Year 651-659 PE, Year 6778-6770 BC

The trade routes under the Kestrel Mountains begin to generate high levels of unlawfulness in the dwarven communities. The dwarves start shutting down various trade routes and as hostilities start to ensue from established communities along the routes, the dwarves become more and more militaristic. Armed forts of dwarves called Batterion’s begin forming along several of the trade routes to make sure they remain inaccessible while other tunnels are collapsed.   Eventually, all trade routes are shut down except the Hrynthian Mainline tunnel system. No communities or halfway points are allowed. Caravans crossing the Mainline must travel a 900 miles stretch on only on the goods seven-year bring with them (water remains reliably available from springs.) This effectively cuts Hrynthia and Frynthia off from the rest of the Rynth cities except by gate travel.  

The Cozar Enter the Southern Kingdoms

Year 667-675 PE, Year 6762-6754 BC

After leaving Brynthia and heading south, the Cozar eventually found a home along the Kestrel Mountains where they stayed for several hundred years. The threat of goblins and orcs eventually forced them out and they started to migrate west back toward the ocean. Continuing west, the Cozar eventually enter the Southern Kingdoms. Their leader, King Balapusk, has visions that their future lies even further to the south. From the time they start to enter the Southern Kingdoms they are set upon by brigands, slavers and hostile locals. From time to time they believe they have found a new home and reside there for a few months before being forced to move on once again.   Due to their numbers, they persevere. The Cozar believe in non-aggression and this belief as much as anything allows them to move on without facing a unified front, though as they pass through each new kingdom their numbers dwindle. Many are carried off by slavers to be absorbed into the local populations.   After eight torturous years, they finally reach the small kingdom of Cleasesk just north of the great desert which takes them in with open arms and grants them their own land right on the edge of the desert. What started initially as over 60,000 when they left their mountain realm is now down to a mere 20,000 from attrition.  

The Cozar are Held Captive

Year 685 PE, Year 6744 BC

The first several years of the Cozar’s dwelling in Cleasesk go well, however, the leaders of Cleasek all along were plotting against them.   The leaders initially invite the royal family of the Cozar to live amongst their nobles in their gardens. King Balapusk and his family readily agree as their affinity with nature and plants have been strained for the past few decades since they entered this world.   While the plants of Pyrideon have never responded to the Cozar as they did on their home world, the Cozar still feel a strong comradery in the garden that has not existed before now.   The rest of the population thrive in the land they were given. The people of Cleasesk initially are very giving, however as the years pass they start demanding more and more in return.   Eventually, the Cozar enter into a more dependent relationship where they are in debt to the people of Cleasesk just to survive. In year 675, attitudes totally devolve to open hostility toward what the Cleasesk now refer to as invaders. The royal family is held hostage to keep the rest of the Cozar in line in line while the royal family is held in check by threats to their own people.

Trade established with the Southern Kingdoms

Year 690 PE, Year 6739 BC

Formal trade agreements are reached where trade begins flowing in mass between Rynthar and the Southern Kingdoms. Crynthia becomes a major sea port for trade by sea with Southern Kingdoms while Galecrome becomes the focal point for land trade.    

Slavery is Legalized in Crynthia

Year 704 PE, Year 6725 BC

Starting with a few slaves being imported for the rich and nobility of Crynthia, the trade becomes popular enough that Crynthia formally legalizes and codifies the process of owning another sentient being.   It is illegal to own a human, however, they see it as acceptable to own any other race.  

Desertification leads to the Dissolution of Frynthia

Year 706-713 PE, Year 6723-6716 BC

A seven year drought following several shorter droughts eventually causes Frynthia to fail as a functioning city.   When the last well dries up, the hole is capped and the few remaining inhabitants leave for other parts.   Many of the inhabitants have already left for other parts of plains of Arg with many migrating north. Overall, the culture evolves over the next several decades into a nomadic culture of peoples which become known as the Barbarian Tribes.   With Frynthia no more, the Elders secretly take the city AI and transport it Galechrome, giving the city an AI to aid in its governance.  

The Dissolution of Rynthar

Year 709-710 PE, Year 6720-7619 BC

With varying degrees of disagreement over the slavery issue of Crynthia, Rynthar fails as a nation. Drynthia has become known as the free city, strongly advocating the elimination of slavery and outlawing any appearance of slavery within the towns and villages it represents. A strong alliance of mutual interests remains between Drynthia and Brynthia after the dissolution.   Over the issue, Crynthia largely abandons its responsibility to aiding and protecting neighboring cities. At first, both Drynthia and Brynthia attempt to take over the slack left from Crynthia.   Crynthia is removed from the Transportation Network as a form of censor from Brynthia. Some of the other Rynth cities object to the use of this authority by Brynthia. This creates further tensions forcing the end of Rynthar.  

The Dragon Guard Established

Year 714 PE, Year 6715 BC

Brynthia picks up the slack as the peacekeeper of all the lands north of Galechrome and east of the Kestrel Mountains, forming the Dragon Guard [/br]

Slave Wars of ‘36

Year 736-738 PE, Year 6693-6691 BC

A major slave revolt on the docks of Crynthia leads to several thousand slaves fleeing the city to nearby villages and towns. The forces of Crynthia give chase. The nearby towns and villages who don’t practice slavery appeal to the Dragon Guard for protection of their beliefs while the Crynthian Army states that they have a right to reclaim the city’s rightful property. War ensues and sea trade with the Southern Kingdoms is disrupted.   A blockade is attempted to isolate Crynthia from resources gained from their partners to the south, yet it fails miserably. The Crynthian army is largely funded and manned by troops shipping in from the Southern Kingdom’s seeking to preserve their market.   After two years of bitter fighting, Crynthia finally relents its claims and withdraws its badly mauled army. The Black Line is established around Crynthia. At about 10 miles out from the city, a barrier of evenly spaced black painted stakes is erected. Brynthia proclaims any slave that passes this point is automatically free. In response, Crynthia decrees that no slave is to pass beyond a set of blue painted markers placed about 7 miles from the city walls under threat of death. Any aiding a slave to pass this point is also summarily enslaved or executed.  

The Barbarian Tribes Discover a link between Music and Magic

Year 746-748 PE, Year 6683-6681 BC

The Barbarian Tribes of the Plains of Arg discover a new means of controlling magic through music and song. This new type of magic spreads quickly throughout the tribes as it is easier for a nomadic society to learn and utilize. Within a few short years, they learn to weaponize their musical spells with simple items like drums and horns become devasting weapons of war. Most fearsome will be the war singers of each tribe rumored to rip the flesh from their enemies with continuous shrill notes.  

King Balapusk is Executed

Year 753 PE, Year 6676 BC

After decades of abuse at the hands of their masters, the King Balapusk can take no more. He has seen his people sold into slavery and forced to fight in public gladiatorial combat.   Because of their lithe frames and exotic blue skin, Cozar slaves are highly sought as pleasure slaves all throughout the Southern Kingdoms. King Balapusk renounces his vow of non-violence and in a repentant moment and urges his people to rise up. His people do not heed the call, most of them have become used to being trodden down into servitude. He is tortured and then publicly executed in front of his gathered people in the large gardens where the royal family had been living. His wife, Queen Agorshana, is forced to watch as their two youngest daughters are then raped publicly before being branded and sold into slavery with the intention of completely humiliating the Cozar people for even thinking of a rebellion.   Free from the vow of her husband, a deep anger rises in Queen Agorshana. The Cozar connection to all types of plant life comes fully alive with her anger. All the plants and trees in the garden animate and set upon the watching citizens of Creasesk. Few survive this initial onslaught.   Her fury is such that every plant in the vicinity of the Cleasesk city animates and attacks any bipedal which is not a Cozar.    

The Zyloan Nation Begins

Year 753-775 PE, Year 6676-6654 BC

Gathering her people, the Cozar as a whole react with their queen’s intensity and begin subjugating the people of Cleasesk, slaughtering many.   While the number of true Cozar is limited, decades of being both bred as slaves and forced into various positions as pleasure slaves has created as significant portion of the population with Cozar blood. Due to part of the nature of being Cozar, any with the blood feel a bonding toward their queen and a strong desire to fulfill her desires.   As a whole, they rise up. By 772 the Cozar now refer to themselves as Zyloan, translating roughly as the fire hardening done to a spear. The Zyloans control a good portion of Creasesk by 773. A caste system forms largely based on the amount of Cozar blood one has. Those of bluest skin and red hair are seen as the purest while those with almost green skin are considered to be the most diluted. The vast majority of the Zyloans fall into the last group and they become the common soldier.   The other neighboring kingdoms rise up and eventually push the Zyloans out of Creasesk, forcing them to flee into the gret desert to the south. The number of fleeing Zyloans is over 12,000.   Along with them are about another 10,000 Cozar living in the other neighboring nations who escape their servitude upon feeling the pull of their queen. For many, escape is easy. They have been beaten down so long that little effort has been given toward keeping them captive. Many just walk out of the houses from which they were slaves.  

Hyrnthian Mainline is Permanently Closed

Year 817 PE, Year 6612 BC

Negotiations with the dwarves to reopen some halfway points across the Mainline to make trade easier across the mountains turns sour and the dwarves end up collapsing both ends of the tunnel.  

Marauders Begin Subjugating the Southern Kingdoms

Year 825-837 PE, Year 6604-6592 BC

The Sothern Kingdoms start falling to an invading force calling itself the Zyloans attacking up through the desert. By 837 all of the Southern Kingdoms are now subjugated and are part of the Zyloan Empire.   All who have none of the Cozar blood are put to death or enslaved. The Zyloans are blue-skinned humans – believed to have been descended from the Cozar Elves. Most of them have black hair, while the nobility retain bright red hair and more typical elven features. A primary trait of the Zyloan culture is that they have developed an extensive technology based on the biology of plants welded with magic.  

Trade with the Southern Kingdoms Stalled

Year 837 PE, Year 6592 BC

By the time the last of the Southern Kingdoms falters, trade has been completely disrupted. The new Zyloan masters have no interest in trade and actually declare war upon all northerners due to Crynthia’s history of slave trade.   The Zyloan nation, for now anyway, stops expanding and doesn’t march any further north toward Galechrome.   With a large influx of its slave trade stalled, Crynthia must now rely on breeding alone to resupply its slave stock. With the diminished capacity for trade, Crynthia finds itself further and further isolated from those it used to consider allies. The city's influence and power start a steady decline.  

Kitaras becomes the recognized Capital of the Zyloan Empire

Year 862 PE, Year 6567 BC

Kitaras is the first settlement to reach the size of a true city due to the extensive metal mines found deep beneath it. The mines are used to make the fertilizer which feeds the metal-like trees which the Zyloans get much of their weaponry. Before this, the Zyloan Empire consisted of hundreds of nomadic clans. Even the royal family existed as a nomadic clan sending occasional raiders north.  

Slavery Abolished in Crynthia

Year 911 PE, Year 6518 BC

With its fortune decreasing yearly, Crynthia finally seeks admittance back into the good graces of its neighbors. The slavery issue has now become a point of national pride for many and as such, any reparations made by Crynthia must include the abolishment of slaves.   By unanimous vote of the Crynthia Parliament, slavery is abolished. Part of the decree includes that any slave wishing to leave is not only allowed to do so but is also guaranteed a home and livelihood somewhere either in Brynthia or Drynthia.   Crynthia is added back to the Transport Network and the gates are reopened.  

The Zyloans Implement a Policy of No Contact

Year 925 PE, Year 6504 BC

After several repeated attempts of the north to establish contact with the Zyloan Empire, a single delegation is sent with a simple message. “In taking the lands of what you call the Southern Kingdoms, we have had our just vengeance. We seek no war or alliance with any of you. Any future attempts will be met with extreme hostility. Leave us alone and we will be of no bother to you, persist and know bloodshed unmatched.”


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