Journal Entry 9.02 Urik's Interrogation Report in Under the Twilight of Forgotten Sins | World Anvil
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Journal Entry 9.02 Urik's Interrogation

Urik is meets a fellow priest and finds out that the Coteries are allied with his priesthood. Urik goes back to his temple to train and learns that he has gained a seed of divinity from the slain goddess.

General Summary

Urik wakes up in a small windowless room lit by two glow orbs. The room contains a single comfortable bed, a small nightstand, and a single piece of art on the wall above the bed displaying featuring a scenic sunset over a halfling rice field. The night table has a small plate of food and a pitcher with some chilled water. All of his equipment except his holy symbol has been removed. He is wearing his normal travel clothes.   Urik gets up and examines the food – a basic fair fruits, a loaf of bread and some type of buttered jam. As he sits on the side of the bed eating, a large burly man enters. He is wearing chainmail and emblazoned across the front of his chest is a blue rose crossed with a blue hammer. He is another priest of Josca.   “Well met brother. In accord with an alliance between our goddess and Si’Nassapherion, you are not to be harmed and probably freed soon. Please tell me your tale. Yes, they are listening, however I entreat with you not to hold anything back. Then I will answer what questions you may have.”   Urik responds, “Please allow me to eat, and then commune with Our Holy One. I will gladly answer all of your questions honestly and fully, but I first wish to meditate and seek guidance to insure that no important information is left out."   After eating and prayer, Urik begins his tale. "Our Holy One spoke to me directly and informed me that Kristor had foreseen the event and had said that it must happen. What the gods have ordained can only be affected by mortal efforts, never stopped." Urik then proceeds to answer all the questions to the best of his ability with no effort to conceal or misdirect.   The priest (a human by the name of Anjakime – an-juh-kime) listens carefully. “I must concur. While I would never accuse the goddess of fate of playing games, her mechanizations often come across that way. If Josca and her are aligned, we must accept the course as holy. It is not unusual for the gods to align regarding various events.   “I am being told that something is blocking the Coterie aristocrats from scanning your mind. They say to penetrate to deep would be intrusive and possibly damaging to you. I believe you might have absorbed some of that goddess’s essence, and if so, you are now in some small measure divine. I speculate – and this is just speculation – that this divinity might be part of Kristor’s purpose.”   “To what end, I am not certain. I can’t feature that Josca would ever condone an evil being like what you describe to run loose in the world. I will take back what I have learned and return later.” He quickly leaves you in the room.   Urik continues to meditate. Searching through what meager belongings they left him, he finds some of the holy works of Josca and starts reading.   After only a short wait, probably less than an hour, Anjakime returns.   “You are being released to me and the temple. Please come stay with us for a few days. You have some catching up to do. There are matters which must be spoken of, but not here. And as you might be staying with us for a while, I hope you will be amenable to learning a few of our social customs that we adhere to here in Chrailis which will differ from what you are used to out in your home villages.”   They leave together and head to the main temple of Josca in the 2nd Tier of Chrailis on Warrior’s Circle in the Northeast Arc.   Over the next few weeks, Urik lives and studies at the temple. During that time, he partakes in intensive combat training. At the same time, Urik takes time to meditate and focus on the finer teachings of Josca.   In an effort to him prepare for things to come, they help him focus on his spark of divinity. The priests collectively believe that this spark is probably permanent and if so, it is but a seed. Meaning it can grow. If so, he might eventually become a powerful soldier of Josca able to right major wrongs in the world. During his studies, he begins studying for the basic entry requirements to the Sentinel Prestige Class.   Once Morvion returns, Dame Imokan sends summons to Urik and he returns promptly to her estate, catching up with the group on the events of the last month.
Report Date
29 Jul 2018


Author's Notes

Events occur in the months of Autumn, 920th Year of Her Prominence. (1228 AC) The time span of this journal is 19 days covering Ja Gorahz 3rd through the 21st.

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