General Tendencies and Interfaith Relations among the Gods and their Followers Myth in Under the Twilight of Forgotten Sins | World Anvil
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General Tendencies and Interfaith Relations among the Gods and their Followers

When discussing the gods, it is important to understand their history. They were all initially of one purpose – created to protect man. As they started dividing up the lands, nations, and cities among themselves, they in turn took on aspects of those who worshipped them.   Nations with open ideas of personal freedoms and liberty tended to produce gods which had good tendencies while nations which were oppressive and totalitarian produced gods which were evil.   Brynthia with its lofty ideal, aspirations for knowledge and free thinking tended to produce gods like Yahalla and Borollo.   Crynthia with its tendency for a strong rule of law produced Stengard.   Drynthia, as a primary farming city produced Radok. However, as the dwarves also served Radok, they also helped form his nature.   The Zyloans, with their completely totalitarian theocracy, produced Letheria.   Torya became the goddess of nature when she became the goddess of the elves.   Ramian Fax resulted from becoming the god of the goblinoid and orcish races.   Over all of the gods is Stengard – the god of rules and judgment. While he tends to be viewed as a good god, his need for law and order supersedes any compassion.   The heavily bureaucratic nation of Illan produced Kristor, and as an element of discord started to creep into the culture, Slinjetto found hold as the goddess of Chaos.   Ramian Fax and Letheria tend to be viewed as the evil gods. There are still nations which give primary worship to them. In these nations, might makes right. For some nations, the rule is that the advancement of the whole supersedes the rights of any individual. While many might be seen as corrupt in their hierarchies, it really only plays to the idea of might makes right. As long as the agendas of the gods and overall benefit of the nation is achieved, personal gain through whatever means is accepted and encouraged. For other nations following Ramian Fax and Letheria, it is an ideal of a deserving ruling class having dominion.   The good gods are usually recognized as Stengard, Josca, Radok, Borllo, and Valshin.   The neutral gods are usually recognized as Yahalla, Sanderal, and Torya.   The evil gods are usually recognized as Ramian Fax and Letheria. So closely are they tied together that they are often referred to as brother and sister, or husband and wife.   The chaotic goddess is Slinjetto.   How well the gods work together largely depends on the situation. They will cooperate against a common enemy. However, their methods often put them at odds.   It is actually this nature which helps define the neutral gods. They tend to be more pragmatic and can get along with temples of both sides as the need presents itself. When needed, the priests of the neutral gods will modify their approach as needed to suit their counterpart.   Two priests of opposing gods can be friends providing that honor and respect exist between them, while whole temples may be at open warfare. At times, temples of Josca and Stengard have even been at odds. As a general rule, the community determines the level of acceptance. Some communities openly embrace the good gods and violently reject the presence of the evil gods – and vice versa.   There are a few cities, like Kraylin, where all the gods (excluding Grethello) are opening served.   Good priests are as capable as anyone of looking away, accepting that others aren’t as virtuous as themselves, and that compassion can be a better example. At the same time, a good priest can be given to strong biases and intolerance of anything less than the standard which they believe all should live.   Neutral priests tend to take a more live in the moment attitude. A realization that the world is not all good or evil tend to color their focus on life. They tend to have an ideal that a time and place exists for all things, sometimes good, sometimes evil. They tend to focus on the outcome with the least harm being done in the process.   The evil priests, though often seen as power hungry and selfish, actually tend to have beliefs which they believe come before the liberties and securities of the individual. They believe might can make right, but also that end really does justify the means. Many evil priests believe that they actually know better than those around them and that the general population is simply ignorant and needs guidance. This creates a sense of arrogance often seen in evil priests. However, when dealing with other priests they need to get along with, this belief can easily manifest in a way as to accommodate the sensitivities of others as required. Evil priests as a whole are not stupid, they fully understand that actions have consequences and an act of betrayal, will have severe ramifications down the road and as such, betrayal is only a last resort. Many evil priests have a sense of honor and integrity, although the logic used to defend it can be spurious at times.   The only true outlier is Grethello. He is the insane god. No nation serves him and he has no people. He is a force unto himself and entirely unstable. His priests tend to take on this aspect. They rarely have any agenda or goal other than personal gain or pleasure. The process of becoming a priest of Grethello is so extreme that any rationality is driven from them along with any scruples or any sense of compassion. Every least one of them is a complete psychopath. They only worship Grethello for the powers he bestows, and he truly doesn’t care who he bestows his powers upon as long as it brings him amusement. He is just as likely to deny spells to his priests at a critical moment as grant them.


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