Fanged Skull Tribe

Regarded as one of the most ferocious of Orc tribes, the Fanged Skulls travel a migratory route that takes them through the area of the ‘Free States’, up into the Republic of Castar and the Union of Mishtoon and occasionally as far north as the Kingdom of Sharisar, before bringing them back round into the territory of the Sultanate of Fashaddon. During their travels, they make a living raiding and pillaging villages and towns that they come across, along with fighting any other tribal bodies that they come across for superiority over raiding areas.   In recent times, the Fanged Skulls have come under the influence of the Sultanate of Fashaddon after the current Sultan Mutasim I defeated the Fanged Skulls at the battle of Sol-Kayasi. Since then the tribe has enjoyed economic support from the Sultanate in return for fighting for the Sultan when he has need of their services. This has led other nations to accuse the Sultanate of Fashaddon of supporting the raiding activities of the Fanged Skulls. The Sultanate maintains that they only ever hire Orcish mercenaries, that predominantly happen to be from the Fanged Skull tribe, and that they do not condone or take responsibility for activities undertaken by mercenary fighters when not under contract to the Sultanate.


Traditionally, the Fanged Skulls were ruled by a chieftain, who came to the fore through personal strength alone, but this has changed following the battle of Sol-Kayasi in 539S.E. Since their defeat to the Sultanate of Fashaddon, a chieftain appointed directly by Sultan Mutasim I governs the tribe in the Sultan’s stead. Challenges to the appointed Chieftain’s rule can still be made, but the risk for the challenger is that they will not be given the blessing of the Sultan, and will therefore be removed and killed regardless of their victory or not.


As a nomadic tribe, the Fanged Skulls do not really have any assets to speak of, other than what they take from the unfortunate souls they come across whilst on their travels. They do not have permanent settlements, nor do they overtly take part in mercantile or craft activities beyond the maintenance of their weaponry and the securing of the next meal to fill their bellies with.


The Tribe itself is essentially a moving war machine. All of its members are expected to fight and those that do not are often killed out of principal, or are offered as a sacrifice to the horrific deities that the Orcs worship. As war is the core trade of the tribe, all of its members are proficient fighters in their own right, and they even have a clear semblance of a military structure, with tribe members taking on distinct martial roles as scouts, skirmishers, cavalry, archers, spearmen and foot soldiers. The youngest and oldest of the tribe are often left to defend the tribe’s encampments whilst the others are away fighting and raiding, thought this is not seen as a dishonourable charge, but rather as an opportunity for the older members of the tribe to pass on their knowledge to the younger generation.   The Fanged Skulls are unique amongst other Orc tribes in that they deploy chariots on the battlefield, pulled by either a pair of heavy warhorses, or slower, but much more powerful aurochs. Originally, the Fanged Skulls utilised chariots as a way of moving loot from battlefields back to their main encampment, but when they discovered that they could be deployed to deadly effect when kitted out with bladed wheels and ploughed into enemy formations, they took to this with great zeal.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Parent Organization

Cover image: by Chris Pyrah


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