Chiffon MacStuffin Character in Ullthwaygon | World Anvil

Chiffon MacStuffin

Chiffon MacStuffin

"I not only use all the brains that I have — but all that I can borrow!"
— Chiffon MacStuffin
An Arcane Archivist living in the City of Rakintha. Chiffon is a sociable person to everyone except her rival, junior arcane archivist Viktor Veallowicz, a man who beat her for the position of valedictorian in their time at Fast Rivers Academy of Arcane Arts — a slight that she is by no means over. She is often praised as clever and bold by her friends, but labelled as competitive and nosy by those with a low opinion of her.   Chiffon is the daughter of Dargur MacStuffin, a senior veeshlogist also based in Rakintha. The inevitable accusations of nepotism that followed became a fast way to get on her bad side; almost as fast as remarks of a job poorly done, especially when they were true.
Chiffon is convinced that Viktor is cheating his way to an upcoming promotion. She is out to get dirt on him, and Chiffon must balance her work, her investigation, and Viktor’s rising suspicion.   Righteous indignatio, or is she simply jealous? All will unfold when she makes her way into The Fault of Reason!

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Chiffon is tall, with the approximate build of a department store mannequin. She squashes and stretches like cloth whenever advantageous, to the concern of others. Her identifying features are her stitches and googly eyes. She wears a blue suede trench coat dress and wizard hat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Chiffon is the only daughter of Dargur "Snips" MacStuffin, senior veeshologist of the Rakinthan archane archives. Chiffon graduated from the Fast Rivers Academy of Arcane Arts as a veeshology wizard and currently works as a junior arcane archivist of Rakintha. She was defeated by her rival, Viktor Veallowicz, for valedictorian of her class and still holds a grudge over it.


Majored in veeshology at the Fast Rivers Academy of Arcane Art in the City of Rakintha, and was defeated for valedictorianship by rival Viktor Veallowicz.


Employed by the Arcane Archives of Rakintha alongside her father, Arknoll Dargur "Snips" MacStuffin.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Former saludictorian of her class in college.
  • Proud catcher of the Fomaldi dragon-duck during the Rakinthan River Festival.
  • Junior kite master of the Rakinthan League of Kite Enthusiasts for five years in a row.

Morality & Philosophy

Regards self as "Chaotic Good"
"I have nothing to declare except my genius."
— Chiffron in address to Teleportaion Circle Security

Personality Characteristics


Chiffon is great at veeshology, emboldening others, and embracing curiosity, but tends to be vindictive and jealous. Because she is a mendable doll possessed by a spirit, her self-preservation instinct is weaker than most. She tends to find other poltergeists by accident and is not afraid of heights. Likes academia and praise. Dislikes being scolded or having her achievements undermined.

Likes & Dislikes

Chiffon likes academia above all else, but in her free time she is a self-taught tailor and thrill seeker. She has been a member of the League of Kite Enthusiasts for five years and delights in sewing, parties, and thrift shopping.


Contacts & Relations

  • Dargur "Snips" MacStuffin, father and senior veeshologist of the Rakinthan Arcane Archives.
  • The Party
  • Viktor Veallowicz, junior arcane archivist of Rakintha
  • Stabby McStabberson, hired assassin (debatable - may have been a dream!)

Religious Views

Holds faith in Thalda. Bees and hard work are sacred to her.

Social Aptitude

Chiffon is bold and chummy, sometimes to the point of overkill. She does not get along with competitors or stoics. Adversaries may consider her annoying and arrogant.  
"I paid good money for those googly eyes."
— Chiffon, after losing her eyes to a particularly rude horse.

Hobbies & Pets

A Sanbbit named Lacey, a fluffy snake with rabbit ears. Lacey was gifted to her by a childhood friend that she has since lost contact with after they moved to Dawnhammer.



Chiffon MacStuffin is a veeshology wizard and junior arcane archivist of Rakintha.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
24 Years Old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5"10 (1.778m)
30 lbs. (13.61kg)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I not only use all the brains that I have — but all that I can borrow!"
"I have nothing to declare except my genius."
"I paid good money for those googly eyes."
Known Languages
Fully fluent in common.

An Astral Sea, A Valley of Doors

I had the strangest dream:   Vrag the goblin paladin and I, Chiffon MacStuffin, awoke on the deck of a ship with no recollection of where we had been. We drifted on the Astral Sea, and I nearly fell to my death on the crow's nest before we came across a floating island, which we anchored the ship on to explore. This island hosted a plethora of runestones which took effect upon approach. We tried a few combinations before we realized we were being watched. The trees on this island were alive, and we were quite unsure if they were benign. Suddenly, Vrag recieved a divine message asking him to free a celestial entity from a magical boulder. In a tense moment, we ran to activate the 'Lock' and 'Key' runes and freed the entity of the island. However, the island sarlacc and the celestial being were not one and the same. Vrag's heroic intervention saved us as he calmed the island monster before we were eaten, and its teeth cast us a portal of darkness while the island offered us two pedastals: 'Power' or 'Knowledge'. Both of us placed our hands on the Orb of Knowledge, and we shared a frightening vision of a shadowy lantern-bearing librarian, sharp-toothed and clearly inhuman. When we returned to our senses, we arose on our ship — or so I thought. This ship was an eerie copy of our own, one where we seemed to drift backwards into a horizon of shadow. I braved the crow's nest once more and learnt with horrifying clarity that the ladder was breaking physics to trap us in this place. Once I returned, it was to Vrag chatting with a copy of myself. Not-Chiffon unravelled and left behind a key, which Vrag used to access a dining room below the floorboards. Diners with pig heads jostled Vrag to join the feast, which we declined for fear of becoming their next meal (or napkin.) The floorboards zipped shut, and we panicked as entities simultaneously attempted to broker deals with each of us to flee this nightmare. By the skin of his teeth, Vrag made off with a holy pickaxe without caving to the diners' demands and escaped to the not-ship deck. I cast Gaseous Form on the both of us, but as we floated away, a floating bookstore mortally tempted me and nearly sealed my fate. We escaped through a pinhole in the sky, returned to the island, and bought safe passage by freeing the celestial from the boulder. (Biblically accurate angels make good captains.)   Just when I thought my troubles were over, the dream changed. This time, I ventured the Valley of the Doors. Doors stuck out like sore thumbs in this place, and each passage led to a new plane — each more peculiar than the last, with inhibitants stranger than fiction. Three others like me ventured this valley: a charlatan named Dice, an eladrin named Azalea, and a slime monk whose name I cannot recall. The first door we entered led to a sort of trial. We held a talent contest for a pig, recieved a cowabunga pizza in thirty minutes or less, and earned a one-star Yelp review from a dragon. Unfortunately, I didn't heed the warning about avoiding the horses, and ripped out my own eyes to give to an equine heckler. Our party kindly led the search for new eyes, and after Dice and our monk had a collision course in a wind tunnel, we stumbled into an upscale bar and grill. I faked my way into accepting a bag of uranium for a botched hit job on the dragon; meanwhile, Azalea ordered greens for an unhappy pie-patron, knowing the goblin king would barter pies for eyes. However, the grill served eyes cream cones and we ended up with a surplus of both pies and uranium. We paid our tab with more Yelp reviews and entered Hades, where a judgmental duck bearing expired medicine caused Dice to perish. Dice (and the party) were booted from Hades and we restored Dice to life, whereupon we stumbled into criminal charges in frog court. Our monk committed identity fraud and testified to our innocence in court, whereupon we escaped and entered a cave of ice. In this cave, a porcelain gnome rudely possessed my form and committed much shoddier identity fraud. Dice and our monk did not fall for it, and the most intense wrestling match of our era ensued as the ice cave melted into a panic at the disco. When the gnome was recontained, we awoke in an underwater home theater to be informed that we disrupted the party and that the gnome — and us — must be contained until further notice. We gave them a one star Yelp review until, unexpectedly, the dragon arrived and flew us to safety. In our last moments, the gnome called to me, whispering promises of untold power as I stole it away...   ...Never changing my sleep routine again!


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