Darendal, Capitol of Illendor Settlement in Tyranaal | World Anvil
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Darendal, Capitol of Illendor

The Thyndol family has reigned over this kingdom in the capitol for well over 600 years.   A bit more modest than either of the Elven capitols were, the people and residents here love their king. Not only is he a kind ruler, but he understands that some times hard decisions must be made.


Human 77%, Gnomes 10%, Dwarves 5%, Tieflings 7%.


Royal Family, led by a King or Queen. Local lords and Barons are under the king.


Gold mines, Enchanters, stone and gravel pits. Good number of.mercenary and firmer military.

Guilds and Factions

Church of Averon, Paladin Order of Averon, Paladin Order of Valinae. Illendor Mercantile Guild. Kingsguard. Illendor Lords Alliance. Thieves Guild of Jarrick.
Included Locations

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