Anirhoi Tradition / Ritual in Tubeon | World Anvil
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This faen game is a combination between chess, gladiator fights and trading card games, although it does not involve cards. The game is generally played by bright fae, with beastfolk serving as their minions. The game is mostly played as a duel (between two teams), but sometimes it is played with more participating teams, with a maximum of six. The prize for winning the game is often one (pre-determined) beastfolk of the opposing party.
Goal of the game
Every player has a gong hanging in front of them. To win, the gong of the opposing player must be sounded, but to make this a bit harder, the gong is enchanted to be immune to all damage but physical, and it absorbs the first damage dealt to it, making no sound until these damage barriers are overcome.
How to play
Anirhoi is a turn-based fight, every turn the active player can move one of their minions, and then let them act, ór bring a new one in the game (within 5 feet of their gong). Each player starts with three minions which can be placed up to 10 feet away from their gong. Depending on the species (see table), the minions have a certain amount of light baubles floating above their heads. Every time they take damage, one bauble changes colour from white to red. Once all baubles are red, a minion is considered defeated and leaves the game. Apart from the amount of hit lights, the power of a minion depends on their own skill. If any creature not listed in the table were to join, the current referee gets to decide the amount of baubles for that minion.
Popular Anirhoi team 'The Moon'

A traditional Anirhoi arena    
Type of faefolk or species
No. of Baubles
Wood woads, makifolk, kenku, grung, quicklings, and redcaps
Tabaxi, satyrs, vegepygmys, salamanderfolk, pixies, and sprites
Dryads, myconids, firbolg, aarakockra, blinkdogs, shadow mastiffs, and faerie dragons
Valenar merlen, displacer beasts, yeth hounds, and thornies
Treants, tortles, centaurs, and any bright fae
Earthfolk are missing from this list, since they do in general not participate in Anirhoi, or in the society in which it is played in general.
Primary Related Location
Important Locations


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