Shuten-dōji Character in Tsuwamono | World Anvil


Lord of all Oni

Onigami Shuten-dōji (a.k.a. 酒呑童子)

Among the most ancient of, and indisputable ruler of all Oni in Japan. Shuten-dōji's raw physical strength has grown to the point that he has attained a kind of godhood. In ancient times, he used his power to rampage across the country, looting and pillaging as he pleased to the torment of all who were unfortunate enough to be in his path. These aspects of rage and aggression still exist in his nature, yet he has found a unique way to deal with them. Shuten-dōji stores his fury, his violence, and his urge to destroy in a series of avatars, each sealed away in a deep cave far beneath Mount Ōe. With those qualities safely removed, he has become a relatively serene and benign presence, and has since forbidden all oni from rampaging wantonly through the human world.   While he no longer holds the fury and urge to destroy he once did, Shuten-dōji still only respects strength. He has turned Mount Ōe into a haven for the strong, a place where they can train without disruption and enjoy the fruits of their labour at night in endless celebration. He himself rarely descends from the mountain's peak, though he has not given any reason why. The other Oni of the mountain theorize that he is simply waiting for a worthy challenger to defeat the trials set forth by his Wardens and climb to the peak for a climactic battle. Regardless, he still has cases of powerful liquor and heavily-spiced food delivered to him by his loyal attendants daily, and sometimes sends messages back when appropriate.   Ibaraki-dōnyo is Shuten-dōji's lover, and often his enemy. They have several children together, but their relationship is anything but smooth. When they meet, they will either fall into each others arms in a passion, or engage in an argument and battle so devastating it levels the scenery for miles around. Though Ibaraki-dōnyo is not quite Shuten-dōji's equal, she is one of the few creatures able to engage in combat with him for any amount of time without being utterly destroyed, so has his grudging respect in that if nothing else.
General Rank:
General Type:
Divine Classification
White, wild
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
290 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype

Character Portrait image: by Unknown (Work Deleted)


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