Brynhildr Character in Tsuwamono | World Anvil


Defier of Odin

(a.k.a. ᛒᚱᛃᚾᚺᛁᛚᛞᚱ)


A former Valkyrie from High Wurmhold, and daughter of a true dragon named Budli. Brynhildr served the Dragon Gods of High Wurmhold for many centuries, but was stripped of her title and armor when she intervened in a battle Odin had arranged, diverting the result away from his expectations. In punishment, he stuck her with a sleeping thorn, and imprisoned Brynhildr on top of the mountain Hindarfjall surrounded by a curtain of fire. It was his intent that she remain there until a mortal man braved the fire to awaken her, but Brynhildr's mastery of rune magic surpassed even Odin's estimations. She continued to operate in the Dreamlands even after suffering his curse.   Though she no longer has her armor or spear, Bryhildr remains a formidable force due to this mastery of magic. Before her imprisonment, she consorted with the Norns themselves, and learned many of the secrets of the world. Though nowhere near as skilled as her ancient mentors, she can read the skein of fate and even manipulate its threads to a certain extent. Not content to wait for a mortal man to come rescue her from Hindarfjall, she has sought a way to travel from the Dreamlands back into Wurmhold and accomplish it herself.  

Unique Ability

Sever Fate: On her turn, Brynhildr may designate a single target she can see and a single type of action (attack, move, cast spell, or something more specific). If the enemy performs this action on their next turn, they must roll dice to accomplish it (even if it would normally be a routine action), and their dice roll is considered to be an automatic 1, regardless of what they actually rolled. The target may spend a Destiny Point, if they have any, to negate this effect even if they do not understand its nature. Brynhildr can only use this ability once per turn, and it is considered a passive action, though she must have use of her hands to activate it.
General Rank
General Type
Current Location
Year of Birth
1179 380 Years old
Current Residence
Short, dragon-scale blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
280 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Character Portrait image: mudai by mins


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Jun 4, 2021 14:36 by Sailing Ocelot

I like how Odin intended a certain punishment but Brynhildr is more like "Nah." Nice article!

~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot
Jun 9, 2021 16:06 by Robert Warner

Thanks! I wanted to go for a bit of a subversion on the Damsel in Distress trope with this one. She's just a taste of the whole Odin drama for the players for now, but I'm looking forward to them getting more involved with her homeland.

Sometimes you get the bear.
Jun 9, 2021 23:22 by Sailing Ocelot

Sounds like a great plan :)

~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot