Origin Powers Spell in Tsilanda | World Anvil
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Origin Powers

One of the three main types of powers in Tsilanda, along with Demon Powers and Abstract Powers.   Origin Powers rely on the manipulation of any sort of physical element located near a child at the time of birth. For example, a child born near a campfire may have the ability to manipulate fire or anything used as the kindling in the fire as an Origin Power. Origin Powers have specific rules to them that have been discovered so far:  
  • The chance of an Origin Power appearing in a child from parents who never showed any signs of having this sort of ability is extremely slim and in many cases, nonexistent. There have been cases of Origin Powers appearing multiple times across many generations of a specific lineage, and cases where they never appeared in over 20 generations of written history.
  • Origin Powers grow stronger with each generation they are passed down. Originally discovered by Isril Terrin, who forced 9 generations of his family to endure an experiment to test the extent at which it would grow stronger. The Bull has a 7th generation Fire-based Origin Power.
  • Once an Origin Power has appeared within a family, there is no way to remove it without ceasing the continuation of that particular lineage.
  • A child born from two adults with different Origin Powers results in the child gaining only one of the powers.
  • The first child born to an individual with an Origin Power have a 100% chance of having it be passed on to them. Any child following the first will not have the Origin Power passed down to them. This also applies to children born to parents of two different Origin Powers. The first child will inherit one of the abilities and not the other, and the second Origin Power can no longer be passed down in the same family.
  • Since obtaining a single Origin Power is rare enough, there have never been any cases of any one person developing two Origin Powers. It is unknown whether or not this is even possible.
  • It is not possible to pass down an Origin Power more than once, meaning one individual cannot be parent to multiple children with their Origin Power, even with different spouses.
  Using an Origin Power involves having an internal source of energy, meaning that a Great Human and a Demon can have this power, but not a pure blooded Ishallan Human.  

Notable Users

  • Kian Terrin is a 9th Generation Water-based Origin Power user.
  • SM is an 8th Generation Fire-based Origin Power user.
  • The Bull is a 6th Generation Dirt-based Origin Power user.
  • Kitasun is the only known Demon not from this world who is capable of using a Water-based Origin Power. The extent of his powers is unknown.

Side/Secondary Effects

The most common side effect of using Origin Powers is fatigue. Overuse may lead to disruption and improper energy regeneration within the individual.   Any particular materials used in Origin Powers have their own consequences through improper use, such as specific metals possibly cutting the host, and fire may lead to burns. Any harmful side effects can be avoided through proper training.


The material used in the Origin Power is seemingly pulled out of thin air.


Anyone with energy and potential can use this power, however the degree at which they may be used depends on the individual and their training.


There is no specific date for when they appeared, but they were first discovered in Ishalla near 1400 - 1500 SE. Origin Powers were never recorded in Demons as a natural ability, but they were more like Abstract Powers to them. Demons that have been recorded with Origin Powers were confirmed to have contact with Human individuals with similar or identical Origin Powers. A sort of reverse- Corruption.
Related Deity/Higher Power
Applied Restriction
Pure blooded Ishallan Humans today are completely unable to have powers. Great Humans are the only humans capable of being born with these powers. Not all Demons have these.   At the moment, individuals are allowed the use of only one Origin Power in any lineage. Nobody has ever been recorded with two.   This ability cannot be taught, however individuals can be trained in it. The strength of the Origin Power will depend heavily on how abundant the material is in the world around the user as well as how many generations it has been passed down. One can be born without the knowledge of having an Origin Power, and discover it later on in their lives.   If the material necessary for the Origin Power is not located anywhere in the immediate vicinity of the user, the material is created from the user's energy. It is more energy efficient to use any nearby materials.

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