Clouded Quartz Condition in Tritanix 3 | World Anvil

Clouded Quartz

Clouded Quartz affects roughly 4% of the population. It makes people’s gems clouded and their eyes foggy. Most people report that the condition doesn’t affect them more than that. Many people with this disease can live rich and full lives. However, some have reported blurry vision and even loss of feeling around gem growths. Recently, a way to keep the condition at bay has been discovered. The treatment was discovered fairly recently, but has since been used by a large number of people affected by this condition.

Transmission & Vectors

Doctors and researchers haven’t found the exact cause of this affliction, but there are many theories as to how it happens. Some believe that it is a genetic disorder, while others believe it stems from eating plants or meat that contain a virus. Some researchers are also considering that this condition is a sort of mutation, as many people with the condition pass it on to their children.


This condition primarily affects the appearance of a person’s gemstones and eyes. It can create a sort of cloudiness in the gems and eyes that, on average, doesn’t seem to affect the person very much. Some people have reported vision loss, either having poor vision from birth or vision getting worse with age much faster than average, sometimes it can be both. Many people with clouded quartz need to wear glasses to correct the poor vision they experience. Some people have reported blindness as well, in one or more eyes, but those cases are very small in number. The most rare occurrence with clouded quartz is reporting a numbness around the gemstone growths, with the most extreme cases even being numbness in the limbs as well. The most severe cases have even seen complete loss of feeling in arms or legs, causing a partial paralysis in the affected person.


Drinking tea brewed from Blue Fairymoss can actually clear up any cloudiness associated with this condition. Herbalists have recently discovered this treatment, and it is working quite well. Many people use the tea to keep the condition at bay.


Herbalists have recently found a way to clear the cloudiness of an affected person. Drinking tea made from Blue Fairymoss will clear the clouds from gemstones and eyes, and keep the symptoms from getting worse faster, but will not cure the afflicted from any vision or loss or numbness they may already have. Unfortunately, no cure has been found to restore vision or return feeling.
Chronic, Congenital
Affected Species

Cover image: by Thgusstavo Santana


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