Treatments for Clouded Quartz Technology / Science in Tritanix 3 | World Anvil

Treatments for Clouded Quartz

Clouded Quartz is a birth defect that affects about 4% of the population. It makes one’s gemstones clouded and their eyes pale, and many report a slight loss of vision, typically not anything major, but some have reported blindness. Whether the blindness is related to the infection or just a coincidence, no one is really sure. This disease can start to show right when a child is born or can take up until the person reaches adulthood for the disease to start to take effect.
The treatment for clouded quartz is a tea made from leaves of the Blue Fairymoss plants. Despite the name, Blue Fairymoss is not a type of moss, it’s actually a type of flowering herb. The leaves are dried in the sun for a full primary lunar cycle. Some believe the length is only a way of ‘spiritual cleansing’ so they shorten the drying time to about a week. Once the leaves are fully dry, they are carefully ground into a fine dust that is sprinkled into teas like a garnish to help the treatment of the ailment.
The tea removes most of the cloudiness from the gems and eyes, but cannot cure any eyesight problems that may have developed because of this disease. People with this condition have also noticed that their eyesight never got worse while drinking the tea, even if it was getting worse before the tea. It is now widely regarded as a way to delay the eyesight problems reported alongside this condition.
Many have tried this treatment and found that after drinking the tea they started to get clouded gems once again after a few weeks. Herbalists have now started recommending drinking the tea once a week to keep the cloudiness at bay. Many people with the condition keep a jar of Blue Fairymoss leaves in their kitchens to brew into teas every week. It is now available in many markets because of its usefulness and cheapness. Many people will buy it to keep on the shelves and use it once a week to keep the clouds away. Many people drink the tea every day because Blue Fairymoss has a very mild taste, and can be added to almost any tea, and still not affect the taste.
Access & Availability
The ground leaves can be bought at most markets, and the unground leaves can be found in even more markets for those who want to grind them on their own. Some markets will also sell living plants or seeds for people to grow their own supplies, but those are few and far between.
An herbalist with the condition decided to try new teas to try to fix their common cold and ended up discovering that brewing blue fairymoss cured the clouds in their gems.

Cover image: by Thgusstavo Santana


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