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The City of Flowing Water

Erysea is the capital kingdom of Lucretia, and is the central location of life among the eastern lands of Trinity.


As the first settlement founded by Humanity, the largest demographic of Erysea's people are Human. With the vast amount of Elven interactions in the cities history, the second largest populace would be the Elven, and although there are many in number they still pale in comparison to the number of Human inhabitants. There are a few Tiefling, Gnomish and Dragonborn, but there would be fewer then a hundred of each.


Since old times the governing system over Erysea has been one of Autocracy, with the true nobility being the Beryl family. The Beryl family has ruled since old times, and the beryl family will continue to rule into the foreseeable future. Beryl is a beloved and well renown lineage that has never been tarnished by anarchic or chaotic rule. However, one generation of beryl had their firstborn son stolen, and as such tradition was broken and the second born son ended up inheriting the throne.
  Underneath the rule of the kings is the lords of the districts. These lords rule under a Bureaucratic system and are overseen by the King himself. Each lords chosen men individually rule over each districts departments. For example, the lord of the trade district oversees its main departments through his underlings, one for commerce, one for militia, and one for architecture and maintenance.
Rivaling the ruling power of the lords of the king is the guilds of Erysea, which Guild Masters have as equal an authority in decision-making, judgement and the carrying out of all major orders of the king. Despite this, the guilds and the lords get along just fine, and there is never any struggles for power amongst them. This system of governing is half of the reason Erysea is as solid a capital of Lucretia as it is, and has been since its founding days.
  When a kingdom-threatening event occurs or a decision of great importance is required to be made, the King, his Lords, and the Guilds of Erysea conduct meetings of utmost secrecy, in a place where scrying is impossible and the only people present are the aforementioned and those directly involved. In these scenarios, everyone's input and opinion is of equal standing, however the kings word is final.


The city sits encroached by walls that stand near sixty feet tall. These walls are firm, made from the masons of old from stone and marble - both a show of the kingdoms wealth and strength. The only entrance into the city is through the large portcullis gate cradled between flanking towers upon which stands the stone chevalier: two large carved stones that stand as memorials in the form of knights. Atop the opening within the wall for its gate lays a trap that would drench those below with tar - that when ignited causes a deadly amount of damage to any front-line assault. Atop the city walls are battlements where trained archers sit dormant, on the prow for danger at all hours of the day. Approximately every 100 feet sits a circular tower, its interior a place for the guardsman to rest, and its battlement the home to a large and powerful magical device that propels large arrows of steel at incredible speeds - enough so to blast right through the torso of a fully grown giant.
  The city itself has no interior walls and instead relies on both barracks, raising bridges and its castle's strategic use of heights. Barracks are placed and given charge over particular sanctions of the city, with both small and large patrols on watch at all times. The barracks themselves have tall towers on each corner, with an archer positioned in each at night, and half as many during the day. Anywhere from 20-50 guards can be stationed at a barracks, with 10 trained archers to man its towers. The total number of barracks within the city is 12, which when combined with the number of guards stationed along the city's walls at any given time results in anywhere between 200-400 guards on duty at any given hour. Where it not for these grand numbers, the city of Erysea would not have the reputation it does as a city of not only wealth and fortune, but one of military strength.
  The raising bridges sit between four towers, two on each side of the city's flowing rivers. These towers act as further points of defense for the archers employed in the nearby barracks, and are similarly under the watch of the general in charge. When activated, the limiting architecture that slows the flow of the castles falls releases large volumes of water, overflowing the rivers of Erysea and making passage over them near impossible. With this system in place, an invading army could be separated, attacked in groups by the corresponding city sectors guards and barracks, and eliminated before ever stepping foot near the King's keep.

Industry & Trade

Whilst the vast majority of Erysea's trade is undergone amongst the city's inhabitants, a larger trade system does exist with its surrounding Settlements. The Elven city of Waranthea is always in demand for the precious ores and jewels produced by the city's finest craftsmen. The smaller settlements of Lucretia, such as Brale and Ivestead, have most of their required goods imported from the capital city. Whilst Rimstone was originally the major provider of ores and minerals, Erysea rose to take its place upon its fall some years ago. Within the settlement however, a much larger trade system is at play, with the daily foods and needs of each and every family provided by the merchants within the city's great wall, there is a mass amount of money changing hands with each passing day. The more rare transactions, such as one over magical technologies, are less of an occurrence - but do keep particularly shadier economies within the city's underbelly fed. Furniture's for housing made from the trunks of trees from both the surrounding and distant woodlands, clothing to keep the backs of the young warm and jewels to please the wife of a wealthy man are all common examples of the more legal transactions that occur within the trade industry of the great city of Erysea.


Built along the base of the crooked peaks and amongst its isolated plateaus, the city of Erysea is one that's waters flow pure and fresh. Having been built around the vast river systems of the peaks, Erysea is a city with many watermills and bridges, the water itself flowing through the very streets and infrastructures of the vast settlement. The cobble stoned roads have many stone-based drains, each returning any amount of stray water directly into the flow of the streams. With such large quantities of water present, flora flourishes throughout the streets and alleys of Erysea, with some architecture being based entirely off of the already present nature. The city is distinctly built into several differing levels of altitude, with the richer inhabitants living closer to waters crest. These 'levels' are quite literal in that the city itself is built on the jarred incline of the base of the Arubal mountain. The further up a person travels along the winding streets, the more exquisite and unique the Human architecture becomes - the common wood-structured clay housing can be found further below, and the more intricate housing, usually that of marble or stone, higher up. In terms of architecture as an art form, nothing dare come close to the magnificence that is the Jewel of Humanity.
  The kings castle, primarily named the 'Jewel of Humanity', is a marvel in modern craftsmanship. It stands isolated atop several distant peaks, interconnected by large hanging bridges that often sit suspended across the splitting forms of the spectacular cataracts. These waterfalls where originally a singular fall with a throat as wide as 500 feet, however when the castle was erected the architecture was built in such a way that it split the waters flow into three magnificent falls, each flowing several hundred feet below into a large pool of water. This pool of water flows outwards into many directions, and often decorate the several streets of Erysea. These rivers are utilized in further structures to create several smaller falls from the foundation of buildings and inclines. The city is known as the very essence of life on Lucretia, as its very waters feed life into the beings who inhabit the entirety of the center continent.


The rich ores and minerals within the Crooked Peaks are where the city originally found its trades and commerce, especially upon Rimstone's fall some decades ago. Where the glimmer and shines of jewels and crystals fail to bring in some, the promise of power and magics within the Great Tower do not. The magical crystal rarely found within is the basis for all magic-based technology; a highly-sought after asset by many who know of their power.

Guilds and Factions


Willow are an army of extraordinary fighters that have the singular united purpose of keeping the people of Lucretia safe. They are present in almost every city and are the most powerful of the three sub-guilds.


Archaea is a union of strong-minded individuals that are both eager and active in their ongoing delves into 'The Great Tower'. They push onward despite its dangers with the goal of furthering the realms technological advancements using the crystals from within.


Divinity is a group of the most religiously devote in the kingdom. Their main purpose, at all times, is to ensure the balance of the three sisters remains absolute. Balance must be upheld.


The city was founded by the Humans of old, and was assisted in development by the Elven. Its purpose was to keep people safe during the Great Storms, but after thousands of years of development and advancement became something much larger then its founders could have ever intended. Erysea was the first 'settlement' ever founded on Trinity, and is the foundation upon which the relations of the Human and Elven have maintained such good relations - even during times of great tension.


The mountain itself upon which Erysea was founded is known as Mists Peak, and gained its name from the visual appearance of the mist from the waterfalls travelling far beyond the mountains summit. The mountains slope itself has varying paths along its face, with saddles breaking itself away from its adjacent members of the Crooked Peaks. The entirety of the kingdom sits amongst the northern-most locale of the Lazy Plains, a vast grasslands filled with tumbling hills and dense forests. To Erysea's immediate east is the Northwood, a forest of tall and dense foliage that has, in recent times, been home to beats that put those who dwell to deep into danger. A few hours south sits the Methuselah Grotto, a much brighter and wide-spread woodlands of trees ancient and twisting. These woodlands have several of Erysea's flowing rivers travel throughout, and is home to many unique species of plants and wildlife.
  The lands housing the lower sanctions of the city are built on the grassy hills of the Lazy Plains, with the structures creeping upwards the further up the mountains face they go. The peaks upon which the Jewel of Humanity is built, known commonly as the Steps of the Heavens, stand tall above the city, and erupt out of the lower faces and ridges of the Mists Peak. Overall, the city is one that has no flaw in its natural beauty, with the coming of each dawn the flowing waters of the great city light up with the life of the coming day, and with it so too do the surrounding lands.

Natural Resources

The natural resources were not originally the reasons as to the city's founding, however with time - be it coincidence or fate, such resources were abundant in any direction one looked. Within the bowels of the earth are minerals and ores to boot, with the mining tunnels boring deep into the planets crust. The surrounding lands are home to the Methuselah Grotto and the North-wood, both composed of differing woods and vast wildlife. Whilst the travel time between the woods and the city's gates are lengthy compared to some smaller towns, the yields from these woods are great an asset to the kingdom, and include wood, animal pelts and furs and herbs. Additionally, the lands within the city are so rich that some flora grows within that can be utilized in medicine and food.
This amazing artwork is by artist Jonathan Guzi, you can find his Artstation here:
Alternative Name(s)
Capital of Lucretia
Approximately 28,500
Inhabitant Demonym
Characters in Location


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