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The Halls of Hallowstone

Purpose / Function

The Halls of Hallowstone are a repurposed school of the arcane which has been turned into a holy ground. These halls are occupied by the religious organization Divinity, where members are trained in the way of religious magic's, communes and channeling's with their god Istus. When magic disappeared from the world, the copious schools of the arcane scattered worldwide found themselves soon out of business and in need of income - Wilverman, the former owner of The Hallowstone Halls (then titled Wilverman's Institute for the Magically Gifted) sold the rights to his school to Divinity's leaders.


When Divinity took over, the entirety of Wilverman's Institute was essentially gutted and then repurposed for the usage of training. Many of the classrooms, studies and even the original library where heavily altered to allow the suitable room and measures required for hand-to-hand combat. Despite this, Wilverman's secret room is still left untouched and unknown by anyone currently occupying the building.


Originally built with the intention to take a magical beating from the misfire of the occasional student fireball, the solid stone walls of Hallowstone are as strong as they are large. Wooden supports are rare but in places where magic was originally off-limits, such as the library, studies and main hall. However, since Divinity's renovations, white pearly stone is of no shortage in these halls, with it being used as decoration around door-frames, entrances and as lining for many wall skirting. Various religious tapestries, rugs and flags also now hang amongst the walls and pillars of the Hallowed Halls, and in a room now repurposed in an almost museum-like fashion titled 'The Sanctum of the Sacred', great artifacts of religious importance are put on display in magnificent cases of red steel, gold and glass.


Many eager to join the Hallowstone Halls come far and wide to scope out their potential future, and this is not limited to the young either. Many differing in race, age, size and shape have made their ways to the hallow Halls in search of their greater service to Istus. The Sanctum of the Sacred additionally brings in crowds of religious zealots, priests and common followers - and gives them a space to truly connect with their religious histories. Those choosing to trial a week at the Hallowstone Halls often bunk in with the pre-existing students, which is done with the hopes of the visitor meeting potential friends, compatriots and connections - which often encourages the visitor to stay and learn further.
Alternative Names
(Formerly) Wilverman's Institute for the Magically Gifted
Parent Location


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