Sibra Organization in Tria | World Anvil
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Formerly, for many centuries, the planet of Tria was under Feln occupation and known by the colonial name of Sibra. The Sibran government goverend all of Tria except for the Impenetrable Hinterland of the great western continent. Approximately 120 years ago, the latest in a long line of Trian resistance movements began its push for freedom agains the Sibran goverment and Feln colonists. Unlike the previous movements, this uprising managed to both retake and hold large swaths of territory, slowly and sorely gained over the course of decades. 85 years ago, the resistance movement, now formalized into the Free Trian People's Republic, reached a tentative truce with Sibra, now a shell of its former self and pushed back to controlling only the north and northeastern portions of the eastern continent. Sibra has contined to exist in this form to the present day, largely self-sufficient as they have lost control of the space elevator and other offworld assets that had previously allowed them to maintain contact with and be reinforced by the UFFR.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Related Species

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