Reclamation Tradition / Ritual in Tremanac | World Anvil


The mines are the source of the wealth in the Magrannor Halls. As they contain rich deposits of iron, coal, copper, gold, and gemstones. Despite having been exploited for many cycles, the resources show no sign of running out as the mines exist in a region which periodically overlaps with the elemental plane of earth. Every Cycle the mines are destroyed and replaced with new rock from the plane of earth. This replenishment invariably contains common ores, and sometimes some more unusual substances.   As the replenishment approaches The Magrannor calls for the reclamation. This signals to the miners that it is time to retreat from the mines. Eminently practical the dwarves don't want to lose any of their equipment so during the reclamation they recover all of their gear, from mine carts to tracks.


While the time of replenishment is predictable, the timing of the reclamation varies based on the whim of The Magrannor. Some leave it later as they try to eke out a few last bits of ore. This can lead to a panicked rush as the replenishment approaches and has resulted in some people being lost. Others are more cautious and call for the reclamation earlier, though this impacts on Khezdur's economy. While clans and miners could return earlier, few are willing to do so until the reclamation is called as they don't want to lose out to their competitors.   When The Magrannor decides to call for the Reclamation he sends a message to the clerics of the Church of Moradin telling them of his intentions and the date the reclamation will start. The MAgrannor's staff also send out messages to the clan heads to tell them of the start date. The Magrannor usually gives about a month's notice. The clerics and the clan heads then let the general populace know. The clan heads are very quick to get this message out as any delay could give other clans' miners a competitive advantage.   When the reclamation starts, the clerics sound a magically enhanced horn whose notes echo throughout the mines. This signals to the miners that they are to stop trying to collect more resources and start retrieving as much gear as they can. Units of soldiers are sent into the mines to guard against any threats that may attempt to take advantage of the dwarves' withdrawal. The soldiers are provided with a timetable which shows when and how they should pull back so that they reach Khezdur before the replenishment starts. A seoarate unit of soldiers is stationed at the entrance to the mines. This unit checks what is being brought back into Khezdur. Any ore or gems brought back in after the first two days are confiscated.   While the reclamation is underway the miners are expected to devote themselves to retrieving anything useful from the mines, especially wood and other hard to acquire items. Where possible, support beams are carefully removed and transported back to Khezdur so that they can be reused. Sleepers and rails are also taken up, though anything particularly rusted or worn is usually left behind.   The reclamation is considered complete when the soldiers sent to guard the lower tunnels make it back to Khezdur. At this point the clerics sound another pattern of notes on the enchanted horn to indicate that the withdrawal is complete. Any dwarves returning after this will be allowed back in to Khezdur but they will not be able to bring in any further mining equipment. The end of the reclamation is usually timed so that it occurs a few days before the start of the replenishment.   For miners outside of Khezdur the start of the reclamation signals a time to increase the price they charge and an opportunity to exploit the abundance of cheap labour with many miners likely to be out of work for at least ten years
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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