222 / 07 / 13 - New Tone for Rainbow Bard in Tremanac | World Anvil

222 / 07 / 13 - New Tone for Rainbow Bard

Since returning to Chirin, John Fennan the Rainbow Bard has resumed playing in taverns across the city. Those who have seen him will note a change in his attire. Gone is the flamboyant multicoloured garb that rivaled the motley for it's tastelessness to be replaced with an altogether more somber ensemble. Dark grey has become this bard's colour of choice, and the jacket he now sports has a decidedly martial look to it. That is not to say that all trace of John's multicoloured glory has gone. He can still be easily recognised moving about town or arriving at a performance in a cloak which seems made up entirely of patches of different colours.   John's new look is not the only change. For a time he was considered something of a subversive by the previous council with songs making fun of or directly criticising the councillors. It is widely believed that a law that was brought in by the previous council to license and restrict performers was directly targeted at John. However, since returning John has made few if any direct attacks on the council. This could be because the only councillor to survive the assault by Bowen Gableson was the one known to be sumpathetic to John. It could also be that John agrees with the current council, and certainly his new material would suggest this is the case.   The conflict against Caresnas seems to have caught this bard's attention. and much of his new work seems to support the current policy of increased recruitment and developing strongholds in the north. The cynical may wonder whether this enthusiasm has inspired by the application of a generous amount of coin, but enquiries by the Eye have shown no such arrangements to be in place.   While preparing this piece I had the opportunity to speak to John directly about his new found patriotism and I questioned him on whethe he believed what he was singing or if he was merely playing what he thought would be popular. John was honest enough to admit that a part of it is playing what he knows will ger him an invitation to play again, but as he puts it, ''I couldn't write or perform well if I didn't agree with what I was saying. When impotant people do silly things I'll call it out. Equally if they are do the right thing they should get praise for it.''   There is certainly no arguing with the popularity of John's new work. One redition of 'We Fight for our Freedom' will inspire more people to volunteer to fight Caresnas than a dozen impassioned speeches by the council. The Tyrant Will Fall has become very popular in the guard and several of his other new songs have been adopted as marching songs. Whether he is following popular opinion or his own views there is no doubt that the Rainbow Bard is having an influence on Chirin's future.
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Cover image: Eye on Dimar Header by Tanai Cuinsear


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