Places That Were Physical / Metaphysical Law in Traveling Magic | World Anvil
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Places That Were

If a Curator neglects his duty to his Place That Is or fails to find someone to take over his spot, his place may become a Place That Was.   The best case scenario for most such places is still a sad sight to behold: these places in most cases are slowly dying and drifting through the world, with the buildings and vegetation around them slowly falling into a state of disrepair and rot. Some, however, cling to their Curator's intent and bond.   In very rare cases, this may be a quiet memorial to its creator. If the Place was a hermitage where its Curator tended to their garden, actively discouraging people from turning up at their doorstep, after their passing, the Place may grow a wild garden more beautiful than before, with thorny rosebushes and other poisonous plants protecting the flowers and its Curators remains inside.   More often than not, however, the negative energy will twist the Place and make it a hazardous spot to encounter. Often, Places That Were are the setting of scary stories travelers entertain themselves with at the campfire, similar to ghost stories. One of the most popular Places That Were is The Hunting Hostel from the story about The Night That Changed.

Cover image: Mountain Walk by Lili Popper


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