Traveling Magic Homepage | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Traveling Magic Roads go ever, ever on - until you believe your destination is right around that corner ahead.

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A world in perpetual flux. Like leaves on a fast-paced river, Places that Are twirl around each other in an unpredictable dance. But unlike those leaves, there is no surface or fabric of reality that they stick to.
  Between Places That Are, the world becomes malleable and soft. Time and space loose their meaning. It adapts to you, the traveler, and your ever-changing moods and feelings. A positive temper will give you easy travels, while a weary, distrustful person will wade through swamps and thorny bushes, even if you travel to the same place.   Nothing you see will be here tomorrow, or even when you turn back around the corner you just took. The world will not change before your eyes, but once you let it out of sight it will present you with new, breathtaking sights, not unlike a capricious fairy. Whether it turns out to be benevolent or malevolent is entirely up to you.  
  Like an oasis in the desert, a Place that Is doesn't change, as long as its Tether is tended to. Welcome havens of stability, these places have been sought by humanity since time immemorial, and by now, the Travelers Association has become quite good at working with and around them.