
"What is this Schlickdigger doing here? They will just drive all the customers away with their filth and smell!"
"I believe they are delivering this day's mussle haul, mistress. Which we need for our main dish?"
"Still, there is no need to bring this person in here"
  The wast areas of the Wattenmeer are source of many items that are continuously left behind be the tides. Searching and digging for these tresaures is the (often thankless) task of the Schlickdigger, usually an essential part of providing for the villages in the area.   Most small villages near the coasts of the Wattenmeer have no dedicated Schlickdigger, as everybody helps with the tasks coming with digging in the watt and silt of the Wattenmeer. In larger villages the people dedicated to this profession are often seen as doin a very "dirty" task.   It is undeniably difficult not to get dirty searching for treasures in the wet mud left behind by the tides. You have to work fast, dig deep to procure the items you want and have rarely time to clean up everything of your haul before returning to solid land. Additionally the items to find are not always sanitary - besides treasures like amber, small pearls and Donnerglass as well as small fishes, mussels, crabs and starfish you will often find bones, body parts or rotten items during your search.   The tasks of a Schlickdigger are not without dangers. As the tide returns, the flat Wattenmeer gets flooded very fast, often catching an inexperienced Schlickdigger by surprise. Often, the next Schlickdigger will have the misfortune of finding their colleague during the next low tide.   To transport their hauls, a digger usually has a small wodden sled with them with wide runners to not sink into the mud. These sleds are sometimes wide enough to be used as floats, whenever the tide does cath a digger unaware. This will require discarding most of the loot found, however.


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Aug 6, 2024 23:30 by Secere Laetes

Very unusual to read something about the Wattenmeer in English texts - and then about this profession. A really nice little article that is both very accurate and made me smile.

Aug 20, 2024 17:25

Some jobs are just unfortunate. So is this. Often those doing crucial work within their society, do so under rough circumstances and this is well reflected here. Where to get food and loot from, when we're not in a glorious adventure setting? Ask a Schlickdigger ... Also nice was the connectednes to the rest of the world with a link to a material from this setting. Professions are also not among my favourite prompts, but this one sets a nice example.

My world is SamthĂ´ - a 'as realistic as possible' fantasy-world, that's still in its childhood stage.
A current addition to SamthĂ´ is my contribution to the rivers ant waterways challenge: Paunis