Processed Crumblecoal Material in Torlas | World Anvil

Processed Crumblecoal

Crumblecoal is a species of moss found in Ordun's Wetlands. In the wild, when a piece is pulled, it gives off a large amount of heat and glows like an ember where the break has occurred. It is processed to make it safe for travel and more efficient, meaning that people can use it as fuel that live far away and not have to replace it too often.


Material Characteristics

Crumblecoal is unusually dark in comparison to other mosses, with more blue colouration than usual, and very circular in form when it gets large. The act of harvesting and compressing it only enhances this dark colouration.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Processed Crumblecoal doesn't have much give when you hold it but is soft to the touch and surprisingly lukewarm.

Geology & Geography

Crumblecoal is found all throughout the wetlands, though it seems to grow more the closer to Ordun itself you get.

Origin & Source

The Crumblecoal plant that grows wild.

History & Usage


Crumblecoal was discovered by the first re-settlers of Ordun as they began to cautiously explore the new wetlands around their land.

Everyday use

In Ordun and the nearby villages, it is common to find people actually growing a small amount of Crumblecoal in their settlements for everyday use such as lighting fires and quickly boiling water. Further afield, the processed form is used for much of the same, though wherever it is it's often stored near or in water, just in case. The amount of heat and length of time it burns for depends on how large the chunk that was taken off is, and this goes tenfold for processed Crumblecoal.


It is processed by carefully peeling it off whatever surface it was growing on and pressing it together in a press, usually into a cube shape to make it easier to slice parts off.


Trade & Market

Because it only grows around Ordun, the settlements around there have a monopoly. Unlike some other products of Ordun's wetlands it is not rare and regrows rather fast and throughout the year; it is actually harder to safely process it than to replenish what is used.


It is transported and stored inside metal boxes, just to be sure, with boxless 'refills' available for those that have already brought it before. It's also fairly common to keep it inside or near water.

Law & Regulation

Not yet, but conservation laws and those for safety in harvest and transport are being worked on in present.
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