Torm Character in Toril | World Anvil
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The True Torm (a.k.a. The Rightous Fury)

Torm (pronounced: /ˈtɔːrm/ TORM) known as The True and The Righteous Fury, was the god whose portfolio consisted of duty, loyalty and righteousness.  

Mortal Life

  Torm was a chosen of the rather evil god Targus (the former God of War) from birth, born into the Illuskan Uthgardt Tribe of the Dragon, but he joined Achanatyr's Order of Netherese Paladins and served Amaunator. He became a legendary dragon slayer as well as Dragon Rider and he married an Eladrin Princess and was awarded with Eladrin Magic, making him one of the first Eldritch Knights.  

Fall of Netheril

  During the fall of the Netherese Empire, new Gods ascended to greatness, among them was Achanatyr (who had, until then, merely been a Demi-God), and a new God of War, Tempus, rose up and challenged Targus. Targus commanded Torm to lead armies against the armies of Tempus, but Torm refused stating that the Armies of Tempus were the righteous, but also stated that he would not raise arms for any in this conflict, as he did owe some fealty to Targus. Targus proclaimed that Torm, for his treachery, should he fall in battle without his sword in hand, would be condemned to a life of torture and humiliation in the afterlife - this did not phase Torm who still refused to act in the war. In response, Targus lead his armies in such a way that they would trample over Torm's homelands and pillage everything there before meeting the armies of Tempus. Torm was forced to protect his people and rallied his warriors against Targus' armies. During the battle, Targus materialized in his avatar form and fought Torm directly, and right before dealing Torm a fatal blow, he disarmed Torm, sending Torm's sword into a blood-red lake, stained by the fallen. As he lay dying, Torm's wife plunged herself into the lake to find Torm's sword and place it in his hand before he died, but she drowned just as her hand breached the surface with the sword. Torm's fallen dragon-mount used its last moments on Toril to place the sword in Torm's hand, but it was too late. The dragon's dying cries of rage and regret awoke Bahamut, the Father of All Dragons.  

Ascend to Demi-Godhood

  Bahamut, a Demi-God himself, decided to share his being with Torm and resurrected him. The two then charged Targus and slew his avatar, banishing it from the material plane and forcing him to face Tempus directly - a battle Targus did not survive in his weakened state. After this victory, Achanatyr and Tempus both granted some of their divinity to Bahamut and Torm, allowing them to co-exist as Demi-Gods, and awarded Torm's Wife, the Red Lady (as she was known now, due to her bloodstained dress) to Demi-Godhood as well. They became the three Demi-Gods of Rightous Causes, also known as the Lesser Triad (as opposed to the Triad of Law). Like most other Demi-Gods, Torm and his fellows traveled mostly outside of the Material Plane and championed the causes of their overgods, but would occasionally make appearances in the Material Plane, where they became legendary. Silver Dragons (closest in color to Platinum, which was what Bahamut was) would become secret or open guides and guardians of new enclaves of Mankind, and Achanatyr's new Paladin Order held Torm and the Red Lady as being the pinnacles of virtue and would honor them as Saints.  


  Despite not being a proper Deity, Torm amassed a considerable following in Cormyr, where he was regarded as the Right Hand of Achanatyr, and thus, he was seen as mankind's link to Achanatyr. In order to be worthy of Achanatyr's favor, according to the Cormyrians, you had to be "as Torm" in your heart. The Red Lady was seen as his female equivalent and held an equally important role in their beliefs, as it was believed that no-one could ever truly measure up to Torm, but that the Red Lady, who is the patron of Lost Causes, would allow those with true intentions to pass the trials of Torm regardless of their inevitable failure to live up to his impossible standards.  

Time of Troubles

  During the Time of Troubles, worshipers of Torm, who had spread from Cormyr to Tantras obtained and held one of the Tablets of Fate. They were joined by loyal warriors dedicated to Torm and by Torm himself, as the avatar of Bane was leading an army from Zhentil Keep to claim the Tablet. Torm decided to face Bane in combat, knowing it would mean certain death without the aid of his allies who were displaced elsewhere across Faerun, so he asked his followers if they would give their lives to stop Bane and, inspired by their leader, they willingly gave their souls to strengthen Torm - though Torm refused to claim the souls of those aged 14 and blow (these would later be known as the Martyr's Progeny) and then he faced Bane and slew him in personal combat - though he did not survive the battle himself.  

Ascend to Godhood

  Lord Ao, the overgod himself, otherwise known to be an unmovable deity with no concern for personal matters, rewarded Torm's loyalty by resurrecting him again and Achanatyr ceded a major part of his own divinity into Torm, raising Torm to the status of a Lesser Deity, and did the same for Bahamut and the Red Lady, who had all helped safeguard the realms against evil. At this time, Torm's follower-base exploded, with him becoming a central figure of worship in Amn and naturally in Tantras. Holy Orders rose up in his honor across the realms. Later, Cyric, the Mad God, managed to deceive Achanatyr into slaying Helm - and though Helm was later resurrected and held no grudge, Achanatyr decided that his efforts were better spent enforcing the laws of Amaunator and Ao than attempting to govern man, so he ceded all of his responsibilities to Torm.

Divine Domains

War, Justice,

Holy Books & Codes

The Chronicles of Torm

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His symbol was a right-hand gauntlet held upright with palm forward


The Divine Death (Eleasis 13 The True Resurrection (Marpenoth 15)
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity of Rightous Causes
Cold Blue
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
250 lbs

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